Thursday, May 22, 2008

Selling OIL when everybody is talking about it!

It was so funny yesterday afternoon. I spoke to an old trader friend, Jacques Ouellet, who said something so true but we seem to all forget so often: " With the Internet, WE trade on the same info, so unless you trade differently you will be following the crowds ". I think that rang true and I decided to unload all by big OIL stocks and Oil Index ETFs pretty much at the high of the session. I took a loss on PBR that I had bought in the morning. The last month of profits more than made enough to be happy.
SO long Peak Oil.. I am going to find other ways than to follow the madness of crowds.

Sitting on piles of cash now but I really want to be short the likes of solars and ethanol stocks. I think they are way overdone. Meantime my call of 5% on the 10yr T- bond is coming into play... You could be making serious coin if you were listening to my advice if I could only figure out the beastly Euro with such ease!



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