Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union: Words of warning to the American Public

It is not the job of the Federal government to create jobs.

History shows us that nations that prospered to the top of the economic pyramid were those that had more benefits from comparative advantage of production methods, strong savings ethics, fostering an environment where education, innovation, entrepreneurship backed by solid development of intellectual property were the order of the day.
Right now the US economy has a monkey on its back where 20% of its economy is controlled by bankers when 7% would suffice PLENTY. Too many banks, too much capital tied to banks rather than flowing into the system of production and exports. The Federal reserve since the last nomination of Greenspan has perpetuated this travesty and exacerbates the problem with subsidized low rates and a conspiracy to protect Wall Street to the detriment of the public.
Instead now you have a whinny, socialist propaganda appealing to an unqualified electorate benefiting from handouts. As the same time, the establishment ( Banks, Pentagon and entitlement programs) continue to be propped up by soaring deficits, unfathomable debt loads and the most expensive health care in the world. Class warfare is growing and iniquity in the American society  is trending down for the middle class. The only undeniable number one position that the US can flaunt is its title of the most litigious nation in the world.
WHEN is enough, enough?
In the State of the Union address, President Obama should get the message out that the US government is not Santa Claus. That people and corporations have to take responsibility for their follies of years past.

If I were to write that speech and most importantly not have to deliver it to a hostile crowd, this is what I would say
After the preliminaries , I would engage the audience with this:

1)The US economy is on its last leg as the freest and largest consumer economy in the world. It is transitioning back to an exporter of often raw materials which do not need skilled workers.
2) Congressional elections remain a sham. Nominations go the well connected and victories remain with the deepest pockets.
3) The office of the president is pretty much useless vs. the power yielded by Congress and the Supreme court. So help me out here, what can I do to get re-elected?
4) Things don't look very bright and the recovery for middle America is tedious at best.
5) While it might make the people feel good to be courted by promises of change, listening to candidates battle out it every two years for two years, the office of the President is a  Hollywood prop up piece. It's the PR department of the Pentagon. It shows off nice toys like Air Force One. It is a reactionary office dealing with threats and crises. Sometimes I get to float programs but always at the expense of the taxpayer
6)The cabinet is usually made of very bright and accomplished people but their opinions and lasting legacies are few and  usually very short lasting.
7) Foreign policy initiatives with touring secretaries of State walking like Darth Vader traveling to trouble spots and UN booze bashes are OK and we have to continue healing  wounds.


As an administration we want to start with a simple agenda:
1) Promise of fair taxation
2) Simplified tax code
3) Programs to encourage savings
4)  Private investment initiatives
5) A strong dollar policy to make debtors accountable
6) Once we balance our books, we will propose legislation for health care reform"

This would do more than all this useless pork barrel deficit spending run by a bunch of clueless academics , economists and other charlatans.

There was no recovery in  late 2009. Just depleted inventories. Unemployment is going up this year to 10.5% and then up from there. From 2010 to 2014, the western world will be dealing with a depression and sovereign debt default.. 4 years of blaming the government, a lot of soul searching and then in 2015 a rebirth with outrageous inflation...Exporters' currencies will rise, importers will fall.
Not a pretty outcome... thank you Mr. Greenspan for getting the world hooked on subsidized rates

Mr. American voter, you should have let your government know that Volcker policies would keep you safe. The Clinton administration and Congress' push of the repeal of the Glass Stegall act fights with the Bush 43's invasion of Iraq as the worst blunders of the American government since WWII.
You continuously vote out of office politicians who come up with balanced budgets.
Now it is very hard to go rehab and clean up your act!

Good Night and god bless everyone who has to deal with the consequences of American policy. i.e. the American voter

Good trading to all!

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