Monday, March 30, 2009

Beatles remake "Welcome Barak to the USSA"

Plus ça change plus c'est la même chose!

Spurned lovers, BANK-rupts speculators and traumatized retirees need to learn to believe again that the future will be brighter. Yeah right! 100 days into the election, Communist Washington now gets to fire CEOs and whole boards on behalf of taxpayers!
Pretty soon Putin types cronies will be parachuted all over industry to "Protect" taxpayer money... Soon enough you will have to show your party pin and pledge allegiance to "ze Republic". Sarko (L'énervé français) gets into the act by firing Peugeot president...
GM chief smart ass gets $20MM to pass the buck and the whole Citi board is to be replaced on orders of the politburo. What will that change, if anything? It didn't work for countless other government interventions. It won't work now!

Good banks and good corporations should be compared to fertile land. Farmers (investors) will come in and sow savings in the hope of gaining future rewards. If the stewards of the land (CEOs) use the wrong fertilizers, plant the wrong types of seeds at the wrong time, prefer goosing profits for the short term, the land can and will eventually become barren if not toxic. Bringing in the sheriff (Barak) and say that the "toxic" land could be saved by printing money, is just plain DUMB. It is much cheaper to declare the land toxic NOW, and start anew. WHY isn't the administration doing more to encourage NEW banks with NEW bankers to go into business instead of trying to FUND CORRUPT BANKERS to lend to a CORRUPT SYSTEM?

Sorry to bust your ideological bubble but the system is not going to fix itself when NOBODY gets paid to DECLARE ASSETS TOXIC and it's not with BOG (Bernanke Obama Geithner) DOWN economics that things are going to fix themselves. IF PEOPLE WHO AGREE TO TAKE ON TOXIC ASSETS CANNOT HAVE THEIR RISKS REWARDED AND PROFITS GUARANTEED, this fiasco will continue a la 1990 Japanese for quite some time WITH the added cherry of INFLATION on top.

Think of all this money printing action as a terribly designed turbo charger which lags a full 4 seconds after you press on the gas pedal. Design to kill, it finally kicks in a 60 degrees curve... Want to venture to guess what happens next? If the brakes are not strong enough to hold the surge in power (money supply) , you are going to go off in the blue yonder... NO FED CHAIRMAN HAS EVER CONTROLLED INFLATION THAT HE GENERATED BY QUANTITATIVE EASING ( money printing for people in search of exotic sounding words)... To be disingenuous, Barak could fire Bernanke right now to prove himself right and me wrong but the current comrade in chief and his predecessor have something in common: they show loyalty...

With Oil heading precipitously below $50 and Gold hovering below $920, my bet stands: Convert your euros NOW, Buy PHYSICAL GOLD and keep shorting US treasuries. WITHIN a year you will be rewarded. While the Europeans will prove to be more inept at keeping their retirees from freezing next winter, Our bets and repeated vote of no confidence in the administration will make sure we spend the winter in Phoenix enjoying the balmy weather.

Now the big issue is corporate bonds... we already alluded to major refinancing required in Germany this year and massive amounts in the US 2012-2013...
Convertible debenture market is going to be interesting but it won't be for amateurs.

With 12% real inflation in our crystal ball, HOW can you price a convertible to have a good bet going?
We will study this in coming weeks.

Good trading to you!


Friday, March 20, 2009

The sytem is still broken and nothing is changing

The Sheriff is back in the news even though he lost his badge but his pen is still doing the swashbuckling. I was reading Eliot Spitzer in slate magazine who started to bash Goldman Sachs for the counter party payoff out of the first tranche of TARP...
As we all know Geithner was still acting NY FED President at the time and Chairman Bernanke didn't bother asking lots of questions. Eliot Spitzer offered a $12BB figure as the payoff Goldman Sachs received. Seems the bets to the fat cats are honored where as the losers like Lehman and Bear Stearns are quickly forgotten.
It's an interesting argument and it probably will not be pursued.

The system is broken because we are chasing the dead cats rather than the fat cats who still hold the money.

AIG bonuses , Madoff and other lesser Ponzis, they are peanuts compared to the vast amounts being funneled to Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase and others

When there is a fire, would you at least prefer to have a corrupt fire chief show up to let you watch your house burn down or do you prefer to know the bad firemen are off in Scottsdale playing golf with your insurance money?

For now President Obama, Chairman Bernanke and Secretary Geithner all believe that showing a positive spin on the Financial capital of the US (recently moved to Washington) is the right course. I disagree. Andrew Cuomo is not doing his job, going after $163MM in bonuses when AIG received $173BB!!! What a joke! just doing enough for electoral purposes and very little to vindicate the massive losses suffered by investors.

For the disenfranchised, the out of work, the uninsured, the unskilled, the road will be long and arduous while the schemers will enjoy the ill gotten gains over the next twenty years.

For the Middle class, a lesson needs to be reminded. If you do not take care of politics, politicians will make decisions for you benefiting the rich and powerful and leaving you with a debased currency and a falling standard of living.

It is right to be mad and it is important to create a framework where the finances of the country and the capitalist system is meant to reward the investors ahead of the managers. Until then the system will remain broken or maybe it never worked. It might have been an illusion!

Good trading to you


Thursday, March 5, 2009

What a Joke!

Federal government Shills on the hill answer to elected officials that it would not be in the interest of the taxpayer to reveal the names of the counter parties in the AIG debacle. It might stop them wanting to do business with AIG. THE company is BANKRUPT! Nobody in their right mind would ever undertake counter party risk with AIG at this point. All that is left are the winning trades of the counterparties. The game is kept alive for the sake of the Europeans...

Here's my take: AIG had written up $2TB of guarantees on US assets for European investors. Mind you AG only had $100BB of capital at the time but Hank Greenberg was to happy to oblige. NOW who could have guessed that these guarantees are now pretty much vested and the US taxpayer is on th hook "to Honor" them. $180BB and counting...
Now We suspect the reason behind this farce continuing is that American regulators know that if they let the European banks have to acknowledge that their US assets are no longer "guaranteed" , they would precipitate their inability to function and would have to convert outside the US dollar...

SO the reasoning at Treasury and the FED is this charade continues further debasing any semblance of repayment.

In the meantime, all players are piling into US treasuries, outside the Euro and the Pound at any price.

Now I have to go back into GOLD NOW NOW NOW because sooner than later, those same players are going to trash the DOLLAR NFP tomorrow morning!!! even if the start is encouraging, commercial real estate is going to take a slew of insurance and pensions funds into oblivion...

Thanks to the Chinese government for allowing players to sell on rumours of intervention! Bet you Wall street started that rumour to sell into ANY rallye

Everyone for themselves!

THis BOAT is a sinkin' faster & faster!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Listening to Bernanke and Geithner today, I feel of a sense of revolt that is stewing and growing amongst the many members of our generation. The socialization of America and its current administration has a spooky feel to it. It reminds me of a darker time and if we are not careful, it could usher in a era similar to the 1950s where suspicion and doom and gloom permeated our every day lives.

Not satisfied with managing the defense of America and running two wars, in one swift scoop, the US federal government is now LENDER, BROKER, INSURER OF STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES, POLICEMAN, BANKER, HIGHER EDUCATION DISPENSER and eventually graduating from offering you unwanted proctological diagnoses to a battery of government sponsored HMO services.
All this happened because Americans had to blame the last administration for its own failings. Relying on Keynesian economics to move your social agenda DOESN'T WORK!!! We tried it here in CANADA in the 1970s. Galbraith and Trudeau? Remember those do gooders? OUCH it was painful for twenty years after!! On this course, the OBAMA administration can only promise to accelerate the destruction of the purchasing power of at least THREE generations: Grand-parents, Boomers and their kids. If we don't do anything about it, our grand kids will be next.




The government is printing money in the hope of replacing the consumer as the engine to start the economy. This is not going to work. Money is a MECHANISM to exchange goods and services NOT a substitute for productive assets that create jobs, savings and wealth. Consumers have changed bro! I guarantee you that if you go polling the average American, most will NEVER consume the same way, EVER!!!! SO why try to save something that has no chance of surviving?

Like any reasonable history buff, I will summarily give you the reasons which got the US on its current path and end by giving some suggestions to prevent a repeat of past failures.

The US population. as a whole, took the last 35 years to decide that working in a rust belt factory wasn't such a great idea. It was easier to buy Japanese cars, move to the burbs, living vicariously through video consoles and TVs. Why bother urging Washington lobbies groups for American manufacturers to keep reinvesting in their future? Volcker and Greenspan gave Yuppies credit cards and the illusion that their future was secure. Cheap money was the ticket. Coastal city dwellers lived, insouciant, through US Media that gave them needed and affordable escapism and a view of acceptable consumerism. Meanwhile, Bible belt residents were given their own weekly opium and their moral majority dialogue in Washington. Wal-Mart made consumption available to all.When views of others clashed with the purely manufactured American dream, demagogues, wrapping themselves in the American flag and religion if not both, using the word FREEDOM a lot won the day for the good old USA. Democrats and Republicans were the same animals using different rhetoric but with the same end game: REELECTION with the best health care, pension fund and tax free campaign surpluses. Intellectuals were only allowed lip service and often drew only the minute Birkenstock crowd to voice a social conscience. The latter weren't much help as they also espoused the philosophy of " Not in my backyard" ( aka no new: nuclear plants, recycling plants and Refineries). In 2002, A movement to change the way things got done in Washington started to emerge with the manufactured position paper designed by the GORE think tank. That movement is still alive but currently has no influence over concrete policy. Don't they call that lip service? The Pentagon budget runs the show and until it is decimated nothing will change. Until 2007, educated Americans preferred living in double height garages for their massive SUVs, 10,000 sq.F homes with Imported furniture, Italian embroidery, watching any of their 5 60" plasma TVs and having holiday retreats in Cabo. In the process, they shipped out jobs by the millions. They voted Republican and made sure the wealthy had the luxury of the most complicated tax code to keep their lifestyle going. A healthy budget for the Pentagon and a me,myself and I foreign policy did the rest. The middle class used their house as ATMs to look prosperous. They moved to urban enclaves, got jobs in shiny towers pushing paper and eventually emails, basically to witness the whole US economy become the world's most sophisticated network of movement of goods (made elsewhere). The working class slowly became the poor, the uninsured and eventually the incarcerated.



In 2007, the American dream got shattered because the HOME OWNERSHIP which had meant for generations the path to wealth and exciting lifestyle followed a well known law of scatological physics, ( if you can't spot the sucker at a poker game...) and soon jumped the accounting divide of a balance sheet and became a liability to all concerned. The word "toxic" was suddenly abundant yet abhorrent Within 4 months, Americans realized that there was a problem with this pungent credit problemo. Fannie and Freddie, which were but a few of the profligate federal money purveyors, aka party pals, were locked up when their massive tabs were obviously going to remain unpaid.

In 2008,Bear and Lehman would take the party to lock-up. This wasn't a minor snafu anymore. The American dream became a nasty wake call into a nightmare all so real reality show. INFLATION had to be contained at all costs. As if it was the culprit!
Western governments gambled badly when they pointed to hedge funds as the greatest threat to their economies. Governments assumed that highly leveraged speculation on commodities were the potential fuel of inflation that may threaten long term rates used to price mortgages. Therefore hedge funds had to be reigned in. In fact it was the last hurrah of this largely unregulated industry. The savings of a generation that were leveraged 30 times over would evaporate in the next 18 months.
When commodity funds started to implode because of de-leveraging, NO matter which side of the trade you were on, the losers would precipitate the closing of contracts and the winners saw their winning positions closed ahead of their losers. The whole process accelerated and many investors saw their holdings decimated by up to 80%.
It took with them their feeder funds managed by ex-Lehman, BS, GS, JPM managers, well you know the list... Soon enough, A tsunami of credit contraction took out all the backstop insurance of the mortgage guarantors. With no housing and commodities left, the US finance industry was left in the spot light to notice the carnage as it gained in ferocity.


The current erroneous judgment calls of both BERNANKE and GEITHNER (B&G) are that AIG has to honor guarantee Credit defaults swaps or else that municipalities and banks will never be able to issue bonds. If i know anything, the guys HOLDING the bonds now are the best to renegotiate terms of repayment. THEY have the most to loose yet somehow the OBAMA administration just like the BUSH administration before it is led to believe that it's the financial industry's job to price risk! With no such industry left, the reckless B&G continue on this same failed path .... THAT is ludicrous. THE MARKET will eventually price bonds without a guarantee and there is NOTHING B&G can or SHOULD do about it. ALL will be WELL. JUST LET IT HAPPEN! Until then, the market will continue to fail...
On a silver lining, government, by imposing limits on executive salaries in the investment world, is doing a potential good deed, by making sure that bright minds are barred from making money off the next generation of taxpayers and may seek to find reward in an honest job. I am not holding my breath though. Once you get to rake $20MM to push buttons, schmooze a CDPQ guy out of billions, tough to go back to drawing a rapid transit system or farmer's market layout.

A 40% contraction in the economy. Big box concepts stores within a mile of each other are useless if not detrimental


America needs to get back to MAKING things. It needs to make them better than the Chinese. Americans need to consume less, exercise more, produce better, improve the environment and invest more in PERMANENT education and health care. How do you do that? By building better roads, highways, bridges? HARDLY!
You need healthy food, clean air & water, increased use of public transport, access to education and CHEAP health care solutions. What you don't need are obsolete car factories, issuing $5MM missile P.O. to heavily lobbied Defense Contractors and sponsoring $250K surgical procedures reimbursed by Medicare.
The best minds should find solutions to weening a society off the combustion engine and the daily commute to suburbia. It took thirty years to get people to stop smoking, how long will it take to make High Octane gasoline the next buggy whip? It will be difficult and challenging.

Well first you make sure healthy companies survive and that the lesser ones are meant to fold QUICKLY. Companies that survived their usefulness because of flawed access to credit should get their just reward: BANKRUPTCY! I think MAN invented it the process and only current politicians (who think they are GODS) try to stave off the inevitable. This isn't doing anybody any good.The longer it is allowed to last the longer the repercussions.
THE JOB OF GOVERNMENT is to ensure companies operate lawfully in a environment for the collective good. I find it hilarious that the Administration and Congress are promising swift legislation to "re-regulate" an industry when it can't even police the regulated ones ( AIG, Madoff with how much?)
Let the banks that lent on a model of ever growing population go into oblivion. PRODUCTIVITY, not capital, defines the needs for INVESTMENT CAPITAL.
Who needs 250,000 malls when 100,000 suffice? Municipalities must be swift, close down malls and businesses that don't pay their taxes, outlived their usefulness and turn the land back to farmers and productive use! I do not look forward to a repeat of a decimated POST Vietnam America!
Make sure urban and rural planning is independent from influence.
Responding to the upcoming needs of an aging population should be the constant preoccupation of business and academia and not relegated to politicians who think in 4 year increments.

As a follower of the North American investment community over the last 35 years, I know I can only invest in securities if the government gives me a stable environment that is conducive to holding on to future returns. At the moment, the CURRENT guarantee I am contemplating revolves around savings that promise to be worth less because of all this money printing scheme. It goes counter to what I believe is good economic sense. (read up on the Austrian School).
Our politicians need to be reminded that the laws of supply and demand also applies to paper currency. With the dozens of trillion of fiat dollars, Euros, Yens coming to roost in our near future, I fear we are looking at rampant inflation and subsequent price controls!

I have now doubled my shorts on US Treasuries 20yrss and 7-10yrss, sold my gold holdings ( Going back in when it falls back to $800-850).

Good trading to you!