Just like a seasoned fighter is better at taking hits than the undefeated newbie, this market can shrug pretty much anything at this point, as long as it is one drop at a time.
It is interesting that the Dubai debt extension comes on American Thanksgiving and a half day trading on Black Friday. Asia over reacts while in Europe cooler heads prevail. In the US, tryptophan releases and black Friday shopping madness has a calming effect.
In Canada, even rumors of RBC exposure to Dubai is not preventing the markets from holding its own and Canadian markets are stabilizing after a sell-off yesterday.
I wouldn't want to be an HSBC investor with $17BB in Dubai paper though. So don't expect the equities markets to do much but commodities and currencies will be the menu du jour for the next 3-4 months. If the region was rife with an irresponsible dumb jump in real estate supply, there must also have been scores lured into commodity leverage. Margin calls will be abundant next week and expect the flood gates to open up again depressing an over extended market. OIL and COPPER are probably going to have the biggest whiplash where GOLD will retreat as the flight to dollar counter balances. For Europeans and Canadians converting their currency into gold sound like a good move as world debt has increased 45% since 2007. That paper is only backed by willingness of taxpayers.IF the later revolt, CDWs will again be the talk of the day. Now let's move to much calmer waters
Black Friday is the only time of the year when we opine on US retail sales outlook.
Let's start with Boy toys
Any electronic retailer can get 1000 people to line up outside theirs stores as long as it can sell products at no margin or even at a loss... Is HP really supplying these stores with $199 laptops? How do you pay overhead with those kinds of margins. Everybody knows and expect comparables over 2008 to be easy, What are they over 2007? What is the inventory turnover? Has is doubled or tripled?What kind of net margins are we looking at? What kind of P/E multiples are there out there. What is the distribution over the industry, Is it a Bell Curve or a scatter chart? If retailers now have a better handle on inventory, what does that do for factory workers still laid off. What does it do for mall space?
High End Luxury
What is happening at Saks and Bergdorf? Claims on no discounts are being branded about... Let's see LVMH... that chart must be telling ... losing money over the last 10 years ... a lost decade and those damn bags are not getting cheaper!
Mass Merchandisers
As Wal-Mart, Costco and Home Depot have changed their merchandise to much more practical items, It was more interesting to watch WHAT people bought rather than HOW MUCH. We expect these companies to have +10% y/y numbers. Again very easier to deliver
Specialty retail
When the pie gets smaller, appetite moves out of indices and into the 2-3 names that make or break. Big short interest battles estimate beaters and overall lots of wounded investors leave the market and shrink the pie. Watch J Crew, Gap etc...
High end food vs Family fare
The one surprising sector is how different this recession/depression has affected dining out. Usually savvy MMs usually know for being ahead of the crowd, moved out of momentum trendy names and vow for the family fare names down market. Unfortunately they just got pummeled as this time it was "different".
This sector is a good indication that dining out has affected MANY Americans and is probably the best sign that things are about to get worse.
With 10.2% Unemployment, the US consumer is not here yet and any comparison with December 2003
is as moronic as need be. In 2003 people were piling up into real estate after the remaining debacle of Dot com era was still being felt. This time people have no nest egg, the real estate market is still down with over 10MM mortgages upside down and the elephant in the room is still commercial real estate.
In conclusion the US consumer needs cheap thrills. Movie tickets, Confectionery goods cloth shopping at Wal-Mart or TJ max sounds like the perfect safe ticket.
On US Government and Elected officials
All the talking heads in the US government predict and shout a recovery is at hand in Q1 of 2010 and employment recovery to lag behind it with numbers picking up in Q2.
In election terms November 2010 is so close Republicans are counting the days. As Naysayers and rabid defenders of special interest groups, they need to last only 343 odd days to get their day... As the Democrats are now realizing, a majority means very little when the party is a hodge podge of Non-Republicans rather than a common voting block. Can any meaningful Obama legislation be passed wiht that kind of a group... doubtful...
Again what the US needs is an omnipotent ruler with the power to erase $15TB of debt. A Constitutional law professor isn't about to cross the Rubicon and really clean house. Too bad!
In the meantime I am still happy to short hard commodities and vent my frustration around the cupidity surrounding the trading of carbon credits, the whole idiocy of cap and trade and the upcoming folly behind the Copenhagen summit. With 17% reduction in emission targets over 10 years, you should take that trip to the Biminis and Samoa as they will long been the new Atlantises before the next decade is out... That's for another story!
Happy trading to you!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
PPI and the dreaded D word or why things ARE NOT GOOD!
There you have it folks!
PPI came in and the market reacted vigorously. Bovespa retracted 2.5% and the loonie lost 2 cents.
The USD is a reserve currency and for all the misguided efforts on Capitol Hill to keep Wall Street insulated from the vagaries of earning an honest living, the political mood is A changin'! NOT IN MY LIFETIME!
Last night, we watched PBS's Frontline's episode called "The warning" which recounts the efforts of Brooksley Born, Chair of CFTC 1996-1999 to have OTC derivatives come under the CFTC ( Commodity Futures Trading Commission). She was debunked on the hill in committee after committee and Robert Rubin , Larry Summers and Alan Greenspan derided her as a fool who could bring down markets if derivatives were ever regulated. You could see who drafted Congressman and Senators queries to Mrs. Born... right out of the offices of the bank lobby groups in Washington. THERE ARE FIVE BANK LOBBYISTS FOR EVERY SITTING MEMBER OF CONGRESS.
Amazingly enough, there is STILL NO LEGISLATION out there to regulate 573 TRILLION DOLLARS of derivative bets made by people who can only write checks to themselves but never meet their own obligations if another market shock came our way. That shock is coming. You may be inclined to buy peace of mind with insurance, hard assets like gold or hold on to different currencies but make no mistake, Bankers around the world have corrupted elected bodies and they will continue to prevent any legislation to limit their pay or their leverage trading activities. Citi below $4.50 , GE below $17 while GS and MS at record highs show that their power grab has succeeded and record bonuses courtesy of the American public will continue.
This brings us to our talk on deflation. Q3 earning results show that large businesses lost ground on topline revenue but cleaned the fat on the bottom line. Great! mass firings brings in less consummers, higher unemployment and sales over 2 years comparisons are dismal. Wall street plays games by comparing over last year, small consolation. "Employment is a lagging indicator" they say... All I remember is that inventory build-up was a sign of optimism... WHO has inventory build-up?
Deflation means that prices going forward are cheaper than before... Case in point: In Canada MERCEDES-BENZ sells its flagship series E 2010 models at a BASE price $10,000 less than LAST year... that's even before subsidized lease rates and other incentives...
Expect more of the same.
Until the Fed raises the price of money, gets out the shorts out of the USD and the US government learns to manage risk takers with a baton, expect access to credit for your average Joe to go down until Q3 2010 and that the S&P has hit a wall at 1100 and will have to retrace its meteoric rise to deal with the reality that the money out there is in the wrong hands! We think a retracement 5-10% is healthy at this point...
In the meantime lifting the veil on Dark pools, front running and a couple of WASPY rogue traders in jail sounds good for morale!
Good trading to You
"The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods declined 0.6 percent in September, seasonally adjusted, the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor reported today. This decrease followed a 1.7-percent rise in August and a 0.9-percent decline in July. In September, at the earlier stages of processing, prices received by manufacturers of intermediate goods moved up 0.2 percent and the crude goods index fell 2.1 percent. On an unadjusted basis, from September 2008 to September 2009, prices for finished goods fell 4.8 percent, the tenth consecutive month of year-over-year declines"
PPI came in and the market reacted vigorously. Bovespa retracted 2.5% and the loonie lost 2 cents.
The USD is a reserve currency and for all the misguided efforts on Capitol Hill to keep Wall Street insulated from the vagaries of earning an honest living, the political mood is A changin'! NOT IN MY LIFETIME!
Last night, we watched PBS's Frontline's episode called "The warning" which recounts the efforts of Brooksley Born, Chair of CFTC 1996-1999 to have OTC derivatives come under the CFTC ( Commodity Futures Trading Commission). She was debunked on the hill in committee after committee and Robert Rubin , Larry Summers and Alan Greenspan derided her as a fool who could bring down markets if derivatives were ever regulated. You could see who drafted Congressman and Senators queries to Mrs. Born... right out of the offices of the bank lobby groups in Washington. THERE ARE FIVE BANK LOBBYISTS FOR EVERY SITTING MEMBER OF CONGRESS.
Amazingly enough, there is STILL NO LEGISLATION out there to regulate 573 TRILLION DOLLARS of derivative bets made by people who can only write checks to themselves but never meet their own obligations if another market shock came our way. That shock is coming. You may be inclined to buy peace of mind with insurance, hard assets like gold or hold on to different currencies but make no mistake, Bankers around the world have corrupted elected bodies and they will continue to prevent any legislation to limit their pay or their leverage trading activities. Citi below $4.50 , GE below $17 while GS and MS at record highs show that their power grab has succeeded and record bonuses courtesy of the American public will continue.
This brings us to our talk on deflation. Q3 earning results show that large businesses lost ground on topline revenue but cleaned the fat on the bottom line. Great! mass firings brings in less consummers, higher unemployment and sales over 2 years comparisons are dismal. Wall street plays games by comparing over last year, small consolation. "Employment is a lagging indicator" they say... All I remember is that inventory build-up was a sign of optimism... WHO has inventory build-up?
Deflation means that prices going forward are cheaper than before... Case in point: In Canada MERCEDES-BENZ sells its flagship series E 2010 models at a BASE price $10,000 less than LAST year... that's even before subsidized lease rates and other incentives...
Expect more of the same.
Until the Fed raises the price of money, gets out the shorts out of the USD and the US government learns to manage risk takers with a baton, expect access to credit for your average Joe to go down until Q3 2010 and that the S&P has hit a wall at 1100 and will have to retrace its meteoric rise to deal with the reality that the money out there is in the wrong hands! We think a retracement 5-10% is healthy at this point...
In the meantime lifting the veil on Dark pools, front running and a couple of WASPY rogue traders in jail sounds good for morale!
Good trading to You
Friday, October 2, 2009
It's been a wonderful September and October is off to a roaring start.
Our December 1100 Puts were up $17 yesterday.
Time for an update.
While we can always make excuses for awful stock purchases, using the madness of crowds and trends to come up with archaic and obsolete economic mumbojumbo is NOT an acceptable excuse!
So instead of repeating over and over again the way to look at the US market, please read on. If you can't agree with ALL of the following axioms, best you go somewhere else because you will NEVER understand why we are beating all the market indices since March 2007.
First have a look at the unemployment ranks. Fierce cost cutting and massive layoffs have given temporary reprieve to companies but what happens when the consumer disappears! Welcome to Q4 , Reality sets in!
Buy em' S&P puts 666!
Good trading
Our December 1100 Puts were up $17 yesterday.
Time for an update.
While we can always make excuses for awful stock purchases, using the madness of crowds and trends to come up with archaic and obsolete economic mumbojumbo is NOT an acceptable excuse!
So instead of repeating over and over again the way to look at the US market, please read on. If you can't agree with ALL of the following axioms, best you go somewhere else because you will NEVER understand why we are beating all the market indices since March 2007.
First have a look at the unemployment ranks. Fierce cost cutting and massive layoffs have given temporary reprieve to companies but what happens when the consumer disappears! Welcome to Q4 , Reality sets in!
Buy em' S&P puts 666!
Good trading
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
E-Trade reports record brokerage accounts for 3Q"
The end is near my friends.
Greed makes market Frothy.
With the Yankee dollar down 35% in less than two years, record deficits, demagoguery rampant in the media and to top it all, a furry of speculators chasing the illusive buck.
How many laidoff works are opening these accounts at discount brokerages?
What is their average net worth profile?
Are they using saved up or severance money to speculate?
With 7MM newly unemployed Americans, Wall Street has the dubious disctintion of having laid off only 8% of its work force. The latter remains unscathed and the concentration of power nearly tripling to the whim of the Fed and the Treasury department.
In this electronic age, we now have Click power and the stock market has become the latest casino. You don't have to tip anyone, go into security lines to get to Vegas and you can trade from the comfort of your skeevies.
The economic numbers do not support such idiotic speculation and at this rate of Government Propaganda, President Obama is going to have to move into Air Force One to make it to his next motivational speech on time.
Sold all US banks, kept MSFT and INTC
Best to buy gold and have it delivered to your safety deposit box...
We might not trade in the same attire but we are starting to bet against this with December S&P puts (20% done) up to a full 100% position by October 14th
Dollar parity coming soon!
Greed makes market Frothy.
With the Yankee dollar down 35% in less than two years, record deficits, demagoguery rampant in the media and to top it all, a furry of speculators chasing the illusive buck.
How many laidoff works are opening these accounts at discount brokerages?
What is their average net worth profile?
Are they using saved up or severance money to speculate?
With 7MM newly unemployed Americans, Wall Street has the dubious disctintion of having laid off only 8% of its work force. The latter remains unscathed and the concentration of power nearly tripling to the whim of the Fed and the Treasury department.
In this electronic age, we now have Click power and the stock market has become the latest casino. You don't have to tip anyone, go into security lines to get to Vegas and you can trade from the comfort of your skeevies.
The economic numbers do not support such idiotic speculation and at this rate of Government Propaganda, President Obama is going to have to move into Air Force One to make it to his next motivational speech on time.
Sold all US banks, kept MSFT and INTC
Best to buy gold and have it delivered to your safety deposit box...
We might not trade in the same attire but we are starting to bet against this with December S&P puts (20% done) up to a full 100% position by October 14th
Dollar parity coming soon!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Not betting against the Fed in September... S&P 1150 in reach
September prior to Labor day. The month of Nostalgia.
The beaches of the French and Italian Rivieras have emptied. The crews of the Mega Yachts can relax because their owners have returned to their business headquarters. Mothers have prepared their kids for school and a slew of summer data is coming out.
We had predicted that inventories would be run bare back from Q4 2008 and that at some point in 2009 there would be a rally based on a "replenishment quarter". It's easier to get a banker to extend credit when orders are piling up rather than have them finance shaky receivables...
This is happening more or less on schedule.
The problem is as we look into 2010, we are convinced that the "economic engine" is going to run at a discount to 2007 numbers. Some industries and retailers will have to contend with the credit crunch or should we call it "normal credit lines return to market" .
Down the line it will create valuation issues. Should you pay the SAME dollar for a stock that produces LESS top line revenue/ Profit?
Right now 93% of S&P 500 companies (SPX) are running over their 50 day moving average. Isn't that pure speculation?
So if the SPX is relatively safe, the really BIG worry is in the private cos and mom and pops store which will take the brunt of the credit crunch. Those stories will be hard felt in many rural communities fall but they rarely make it in the press or the blogs.
Coming back to listed equities, be mindful that other skeptical Money Managers have stayed partially on the sidelines ( high cash component) and that their jobs are on the line if they don't get in to secure a bonus. We think September will see great institutional speculation based on fear rather than on exuberant retail demand. Once those Money managers secure their benchmark bonuses, they will unload. There fore expect higher volatility as well as higher volumes as fall progresses.
The underlying rationale for an October-Mid November correction then makes sense.
While there continues to be a witch hunt against short sellers, they should prevail when sanity returns.
In the meantime with Citi above $5, Ford below $8, Oil between $65-$73, Gold above $950, UST 10yr at 3.38%, Bernanke and Geithner seems to hold the markets for an upside September.
In October we can talk deficits , national debt and see if investors are ready to run for the exits...
Good trading to you
The beaches of the French and Italian Rivieras have emptied. The crews of the Mega Yachts can relax because their owners have returned to their business headquarters. Mothers have prepared their kids for school and a slew of summer data is coming out.
We had predicted that inventories would be run bare back from Q4 2008 and that at some point in 2009 there would be a rally based on a "replenishment quarter". It's easier to get a banker to extend credit when orders are piling up rather than have them finance shaky receivables...
This is happening more or less on schedule.
The problem is as we look into 2010, we are convinced that the "economic engine" is going to run at a discount to 2007 numbers. Some industries and retailers will have to contend with the credit crunch or should we call it "normal credit lines return to market" .
Down the line it will create valuation issues. Should you pay the SAME dollar for a stock that produces LESS top line revenue/ Profit?
Right now 93% of S&P 500 companies (SPX) are running over their 50 day moving average. Isn't that pure speculation?
So if the SPX is relatively safe, the really BIG worry is in the private cos and mom and pops store which will take the brunt of the credit crunch. Those stories will be hard felt in many rural communities fall but they rarely make it in the press or the blogs.
Coming back to listed equities, be mindful that other skeptical Money Managers have stayed partially on the sidelines ( high cash component) and that their jobs are on the line if they don't get in to secure a bonus. We think September will see great institutional speculation based on fear rather than on exuberant retail demand. Once those Money managers secure their benchmark bonuses, they will unload. There fore expect higher volatility as well as higher volumes as fall progresses.
The underlying rationale for an October-Mid November correction then makes sense.
While there continues to be a witch hunt against short sellers, they should prevail when sanity returns.
In the meantime with Citi above $5, Ford below $8, Oil between $65-$73, Gold above $950, UST 10yr at 3.38%, Bernanke and Geithner seems to hold the markets for an upside September.
In October we can talk deficits , national debt and see if investors are ready to run for the exits...
Good trading to you
Thursday, August 27, 2009
the summer of Illusion
With a summer spent on trying to live on the March lows "miracle", reality is sinking in that a much larger credit crunch is looming.
By year's end many laid-off Americans will lose their benefits.
Cash for clunkers program should be renamed Clunkers print cash (to stave off depression for another quarter...)
Yet on the UNemployment range, the four-week average of claims, which smooths out fluctuations, fell by 4,750 to 566,250 last week.
That in itself shows that commodities are "toppy" and that the energy complex is about to unravel.
We sold our remaining XIU (TSE) the S&P 60. We took profits on Sunopta AND GE. Still riding Citi to unload between $5-6
Contrary to most we think the US dollar will maintain vs the Loonie so we are keeping a hefty US cash component while hedging with a gold bullion fund CEF.A
News out of Europe (Germany) is showing that GVMTs are stepping to provide credit where private banks are falling to do their jobs.
We will be buying 1/3 initial Puts on BMO as we can't really understand why their loan-loss provisions are so much lower than their competitors... We doubt they are an island unto themselves...
Meantime enjoy the last few days of relative peace as Q4 will be the show me quarter and no amount of "slow recovery" gibberish spin can damper lofty expectations already priced into the stratospheric valuations of Chinese and north American equities
Good trading to you!
By year's end many laid-off Americans will lose their benefits.
Cash for clunkers program should be renamed Clunkers print cash (to stave off depression for another quarter...)
Yet on the UNemployment range, the four-week average of claims, which smooths out fluctuations, fell by 4,750 to 566,250 last week.
Chinese Steel Spot price
Considering the amount of stimuli offered by the Fed, it shows that government needs to keep pumping.That in itself shows that commodities are "toppy" and that the energy complex is about to unravel.
We sold our remaining XIU (TSE) the S&P 60. We took profits on Sunopta AND GE. Still riding Citi to unload between $5-6
Contrary to most we think the US dollar will maintain vs the Loonie so we are keeping a hefty US cash component while hedging with a gold bullion fund CEF.A
News out of Europe (Germany) is showing that GVMTs are stepping to provide credit where private banks are falling to do their jobs.
We will be buying 1/3 initial Puts on BMO as we can't really understand why their loan-loss provisions are so much lower than their competitors... We doubt they are an island unto themselves...
Meantime enjoy the last few days of relative peace as Q4 will be the show me quarter and no amount of "slow recovery" gibberish spin can damper lofty expectations already priced into the stratospheric valuations of Chinese and north American equities
Good trading to you!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Short Squeeze day
Some of our outstanding losers, Citigroup, is coming back to life. Amazingly enough. DJIA is up 2.28% , NAZ is up 2.74%!
Amazing considering latest statistics coming out of japan:
In Japan it was reported that "."..wholesale prices fell a record 6.6 percent in the year to June, as the world's No.2 economy slides deeper into deflation"
If deflation is making markets go up, then productivity increases can`t be far behind. Whoever has a job will have to spend their cash for the rest of the unemployed (yeah right)...
Oh well enjoy it while it lasts!
Amazing considering latest statistics coming out of japan:
In Japan it was reported that "."..wholesale prices fell a record 6.6 percent in the year to June, as the world's No.2 economy slides deeper into deflation"
If deflation is making markets go up, then productivity increases can`t be far behind. Whoever has a job will have to spend their cash for the rest of the unemployed (yeah right)...
Oh well enjoy it while it lasts!
Monday, July 13, 2009
You know you are in trouble when....
Good morning to all on this Monday July 13th 2009!
This week is banking releases for the big boys
Today two observations:
A)Meredith Whitney
The lady was on CNBC earlier this morning and probably the talk of the day as she raised her estimates on GS which are already 30% over street consensus. The stock hit a low of $50 now trading over $146. A bit late there on the call Mam!
Whitney also said that net tangible at BAC gave a value to the stock over $12. Making it one of the cheaper big banks out there. Yup owning a portfolio in California is really a great idea this week... NOT!
She also mentioned that Citi was a dead duck with the dilution having killed any chance of a rebound!
B)Paul Volcker
The only man in the BAM administration who can bring real reform and change is nowhere to be seen these days. This is truly a bad omen. If you let technocrats like Geithner and Bernanke to skip stones from one crisis to the next,we are in for a bigger fall! Instead the admin is bent on serving rhetoric of more legislation to plug holes in a system that does not work and only delay the inevitable.
We cannot understand why Health care reform is being pushed down the throats of legislators when the finances of the country are in such disarray. Sound to us like buying a very expensive engine when you can't afford to fill up the tank!
We strongly hope that Mr. Volcker doesn't give up and is able to convince enough idealists that NOW is the BEST time to fix the system while there is still goodwill behind the US dollar ( or is that ill will behind the Euro?)
You know when you are in trouble when analysts are bullish on stocks that have tripled off their lows and reformers are pushed aside in favor of populist rhetoric.
We are still short S&P as we expect earnings to dip 15% across the board
Good trading to you
This week is banking releases for the big boys
Today two observations:
A)Meredith Whitney
The lady was on CNBC earlier this morning and probably the talk of the day as she raised her estimates on GS which are already 30% over street consensus. The stock hit a low of $50 now trading over $146. A bit late there on the call Mam!
Whitney also said that net tangible at BAC gave a value to the stock over $12. Making it one of the cheaper big banks out there. Yup owning a portfolio in California is really a great idea this week... NOT!
She also mentioned that Citi was a dead duck with the dilution having killed any chance of a rebound!
B)Paul Volcker
The only man in the BAM administration who can bring real reform and change is nowhere to be seen these days. This is truly a bad omen. If you let technocrats like Geithner and Bernanke to skip stones from one crisis to the next,we are in for a bigger fall! Instead the admin is bent on serving rhetoric of more legislation to plug holes in a system that does not work and only delay the inevitable.
We cannot understand why Health care reform is being pushed down the throats of legislators when the finances of the country are in such disarray. Sound to us like buying a very expensive engine when you can't afford to fill up the tank!
We strongly hope that Mr. Volcker doesn't give up and is able to convince enough idealists that NOW is the BEST time to fix the system while there is still goodwill behind the US dollar ( or is that ill will behind the Euro?)
You know when you are in trouble when analysts are bullish on stocks that have tripled off their lows and reformers are pushed aside in favor of populist rhetoric.
We are still short S&P as we expect earnings to dip 15% across the board
Good trading to you
Thursday, July 2, 2009
USA = 40 Millions people without jobs

AS the graph shows, US unemployment is racing towards 10% without flinching.It is going to be tough to get these people back to work if factories are working at 2/3 of capacity. We have explained repeatedly that this economy which went from a zero savings rate now climbing to a 5-10% rate is on the mend. This will be a long and protracted process and to think that you can pick stock winners in this environment is wishful thinking.
Add to that that hourly wages are flat and there is no impetus to increased discretionary spending if not for governments unwise spending spree. The US (Germany and Italy are in the same boat) like Japan before it has to contend with an aging population. Older people always spend less. No more expense accounts, employer sponsored plans. The gravy train stops. The sooner the government learns its lesson the better for all!
Asset allocation and currency holdings if anything is much more important and the timing of the conversions is crucial!
We repeat out themes:
1)We have told you that oil prices were untenable. Anything over $70 was caused by banks and speculators using free cash to hoard. That was unwise and it will show up by year end as a loss fro anyone buying over $70.
2)Gold is not a refuge in a deflation era.
3)S&P short is your best asset allocation until employment stabilizes
It is foolish to listen to pundits saying that employment is a lagging indicator. In Deflationary times it is in fact a leading indicator...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Careful of Shorting Bonds
We covered all our short bonds at this point. WE are short 138% on S&P though!
While we told you on June 10 that long equities was becoming a suspect strategy, we now also think that shorting bonds is a VERY dangerous move.
We think the USD dollar can hit 1.17 vs. the Canadian. Why? The risk capital played the same game. Piling into commodities as if that was going to save the day. Was copper in such short supply? Oil back over $90 as Goldman was expounding looking for suckers?
As we have repeated many times for the last couple of months, that is not a panacea for all the troubles out there but they all point to deflation created by US monetary policy. The result is abysmal job numbers, month after month. IN FACT THERE IS NO JOB CREATION AND THE SITUATION IS GETTING WORSE. In a world where the consumer de-leverages governments can and should help induce investment not belabor the process by introducing legislation to regulate! WAKE UP! CREDIT CARDS DEFAULTS ARE DOUBLING Q/Q
Deflation, Deflation, Deflation. As long as the Fed doesn't decide to FORCE banks to loan money ( by raising rates) nothing is going to happen EITHER WAY. The day will come though. Rates will start to rise followed by a massive influx of money and inflation is just going to explode. NOBODY out there says it but the RISING of rates will CREATE inflation. WHO would have thunketh?
Meanwhile back at Medieval Camelot, King Obama and his Google eyed knights of the info-techno age are still looking at their rear view mirror and looking at a charging T-REX or Dragon, light on economic data, and relying on data points to draw feeble insights of dead green shoots (clearly though a persistent housing bust is omnipresent ) and think that lower LONG term rates is where lies their salvation. To us it looks like a money pit full on cancerous deadbeat brokers and third rates bankers but that's a story for another day!
Sorry boys, but while you are avoiding the marching T-TEX you just MISSED a giant curve and falling down a steep embankment where the T-REX will get you anyway!
So expect the dollar to rise, bonds to squeeze out the shorts and Obama to think he is doing well. He is in a no win situation vs Bernanke's reappointment!
1) If he reappoints him, Bernanke won't raise rates (extending deflationary period)
2) If he replaces him with Geithner ( he won't rise rates looking as long bonds yields as the NEW role of the fed)
Salvation lies probably in boutiques bank shops welcoming the real rainmakers of years past but also newly minted players of tomorrow.
What the economy needs now is for the government to STOP being the buyer of worthless equity and a salvage crew of carrion. GET OUT OF THE WAY!
RISK takers must be FREE to take risks, not regulated on pay. As long as Communists run US capital ... it's better to let sleeping dogs lie or a Chinese dragon rampage can be your next full living nightmare! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
We are staying short equities and LONG USD.
Good trading to ya!
While we told you on June 10 that long equities was becoming a suspect strategy, we now also think that shorting bonds is a VERY dangerous move.
We think the USD dollar can hit 1.17 vs. the Canadian. Why? The risk capital played the same game. Piling into commodities as if that was going to save the day. Was copper in such short supply? Oil back over $90 as Goldman was expounding looking for suckers?
As we have repeated many times for the last couple of months, that is not a panacea for all the troubles out there but they all point to deflation created by US monetary policy. The result is abysmal job numbers, month after month. IN FACT THERE IS NO JOB CREATION AND THE SITUATION IS GETTING WORSE. In a world where the consumer de-leverages governments can and should help induce investment not belabor the process by introducing legislation to regulate! WAKE UP! CREDIT CARDS DEFAULTS ARE DOUBLING Q/Q
Deflation, Deflation, Deflation. As long as the Fed doesn't decide to FORCE banks to loan money ( by raising rates) nothing is going to happen EITHER WAY. The day will come though. Rates will start to rise followed by a massive influx of money and inflation is just going to explode. NOBODY out there says it but the RISING of rates will CREATE inflation. WHO would have thunketh?
Meanwhile back at Medieval Camelot, King Obama and his Google eyed knights of the info-techno age are still looking at their rear view mirror and looking at a charging T-REX or Dragon, light on economic data, and relying on data points to draw feeble insights of dead green shoots (clearly though a persistent housing bust is omnipresent ) and think that lower LONG term rates is where lies their salvation. To us it looks like a money pit full on cancerous deadbeat brokers and third rates bankers but that's a story for another day!
Sorry boys, but while you are avoiding the marching T-TEX you just MISSED a giant curve and falling down a steep embankment where the T-REX will get you anyway!
So expect the dollar to rise, bonds to squeeze out the shorts and Obama to think he is doing well. He is in a no win situation vs Bernanke's reappointment!
1) If he reappoints him, Bernanke won't raise rates (extending deflationary period)
2) If he replaces him with Geithner ( he won't rise rates looking as long bonds yields as the NEW role of the fed)
Salvation lies probably in boutiques bank shops welcoming the real rainmakers of years past but also newly minted players of tomorrow.
What the economy needs now is for the government to STOP being the buyer of worthless equity and a salvage crew of carrion. GET OUT OF THE WAY!
RISK takers must be FREE to take risks, not regulated on pay. As long as Communists run US capital ... it's better to let sleeping dogs lie or a Chinese dragon rampage can be your next full living nightmare! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
We are staying short equities and LONG USD.
Good trading to ya!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Deflation... it's all down hill from here ... Just be happy it's still a W and not a flatliner
It is so foolish to think that because the US wrote up 13 Trillion dollars of IOUs that a massive wave of inflation was coming! The planet already lost $50 trillion. Inflation is not the cause for concern, it 's deflation and countries who can't pay their debts!
People are just going to stop trading with the USA until they get their house in order and they will let rates rise until it does. The USD will rocket up while people expect it to go down.
Meantime short some mortgage institutions because 50 cents on the dollar is still not a good price. Banks are going to fail because mortgages will fail faster than the income can be generated by the interest spread. Mortgages renewals cannot be supported by the Treasury or the Fed.
Fools are playing the Commodity game trying to figure out what China will buy. The special du jour: Gold, Copper, Oil , Nat gas... There is no sustainable consumption numbers that justify another round of hoarding and speculation.
By the end of the year, only positions in US will show gains while EURO, HUANs, Rubles etc. will show declines...
The same happened to gold in 2007-2008... European holders got whacked holding the metal.
Why just not short US indices and avoid gyrations and tensions?
Bonds are getting close to our target of 4.50-5.00%
You are better to short the S&P because 930 is a now a beacon for the shorts.
The US economy just had a modicum of recovery because inventories were seriously depleted. Don't confuse that with a recovery .. the economy will run at 60% of its heyday for quite a while... Profits will tank and we will test news lows soon enough!
We raised 50% in cash today!
Good trading to you!
It is so foolish to think that because the US wrote up 13 Trillion dollars of IOUs that a massive wave of inflation was coming! The planet already lost $50 trillion. Inflation is not the cause for concern, it 's deflation and countries who can't pay their debts!
People are just going to stop trading with the USA until they get their house in order and they will let rates rise until it does. The USD will rocket up while people expect it to go down.
Meantime short some mortgage institutions because 50 cents on the dollar is still not a good price. Banks are going to fail because mortgages will fail faster than the income can be generated by the interest spread. Mortgages renewals cannot be supported by the Treasury or the Fed.
Fools are playing the Commodity game trying to figure out what China will buy. The special du jour: Gold, Copper, Oil , Nat gas... There is no sustainable consumption numbers that justify another round of hoarding and speculation.
By the end of the year, only positions in US will show gains while EURO, HUANs, Rubles etc. will show declines...
The same happened to gold in 2007-2008... European holders got whacked holding the metal.
Why just not short US indices and avoid gyrations and tensions?
Bonds are getting close to our target of 4.50-5.00%
You are better to short the S&P because 930 is a now a beacon for the shorts.
The US economy just had a modicum of recovery because inventories were seriously depleted. Don't confuse that with a recovery .. the economy will run at 60% of its heyday for quite a while... Profits will tank and we will test news lows soon enough!
We raised 50% in cash today!
Good trading to you!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Debtor Nations: NOT A GOOD BET

It's refreshing to have an administration bent on bringing change in the form of regulation to the markets. Unfortunately the outcome of most encounters are starting to show wear and tear. The fox has left the barn, guys! Law firms and lobby groups in Washington must be having a record year! With so many new regulations coming out, we are surprised only a few SEC agents have been caught doing insider trading!
We have winners and we have losers...
Winners have been large banks supported by taxpayers on a global scale. Unfortunately this is a shell game and until assets start to transact and deals get done, balance sheets are just illusions.
The biggest losers are by far foreign holders of US bonds. They just have been destroyed in the last month and we predicted that at one point the rest would follow. Unfortunately, the massive injection of liquidity is not having the results hoped for. While banks are winning on the spread game, everybody else is losing out.
Conventional market knee jerk reaction of flight to safety from out of stock to the relative SAFETY of bonds has NOT OCCURRED. We said this would eventually happen. IT took six months longer but we have defeated valiant efforts by Chairman Bernanke and Secretary Geithner. BOTH Equity and bonds markets fell this week. Gold rallied.
Bbg - Kokusai Cuts Treasuries as Fukoku Sees End to Rally
May 21 (Bloomberg) -- Bond investors in Japan from Kokusai Global Sovereign Open Fund to Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance Co. are trimming their holdings of U.S. Treasuries, betting that the biggest slump in U.S. debt in 15 years will likely continue.
Kokusai Global Sovereign, Asia’s largest bond fund, reduced its bet on long-term Treasuries in March, while Nippon Life Insurance Co., Japan’s biggest life insurer, plans to focus its new purchases on yen-denominated debt, it said last month. Fukoku Mutual says it will buy yen bonds because a 10-year rally in U.S. debt will end this year.
We suspect that the market which lost an aggregate of $50TB in value from July 2007 to March 9,2009 isn't really well served by the $13TB thrown at the problem by global leaders.
Unfortunately, the cost of capital is rising, deals are not getting done because banks are requiring more equity for transactions to occur and the process seems bogged down.
On the upcoming short week, it will become a more pressing matter to see what financial reporters decide "what" is news.
We suspect that California's finances will come front and center and from there the markets will take their cues.
In any case, the odds of the S&P going to 1k seem diminished while those of the US 10yr hitting 3.50% are now but a foregone conclusion.
As Recently as two weeks ago, pundits were suggesting that the US was going to lead the world out of recession, but the recent destruction of the USD suggest, that investors may be more keen to looking to China and other creditor nations as safer harbors in these troubled times.
Good trading to you.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Not SO fast on the equity rally!
Great week was had by all the longs but a massive hangover is the price to pay for all the giddiness! Day trading was exhilarating and the shorts got squeezed!
In a bear market Longs get clobbered and THEN Shorts get clobbered!
Amazing how the financials went up an aggregate of 23% last week but our sole long holding C barely moved! $4.23 will be the death of us! After trading it long at 1, 2,2.50 and 3.25 we couldn't leave well alone!
Fed today bought $3.510BB out of $10.426BB offered. The percentage taken, 33.7%, was the highest takedown in a bond operation, though not significantly higher than the 30.7% taken on March 30. The dollar amout purchased was a high for the bond sector, exceeding the $3.025BB purchased on 4/30!
That should tell you something!
If the Fed has to both support the dollar AND bond yields in the face of repeated skepticism, there is trouble brewing.
The skeptics complain that the banks have cornered The Treasury secretary and sold him on a bill of goods were more TIME is necessary to fix their balance sheet. Any stricter test would put "undue "pressure on them. As usual bankers have gotten it ALL wrong. When BAD economic numbers come out after this BEAR RALLY, bank stock will be testing and visiting other bottom dwellers.
Stress test “adverse” scenario for 2009 GDP growth:
Actual annualized 2009 GDP growth year-to-date:
Stress test “adverse” scenario average unemployment rate for 2009:
Actual 2009 average unemployment rate year-to-date:
8.3%, with a rate of 8.9% in April
Stress test “adverse” scenario indicative loan loss rates:
3% to 4% for prime
9.5% to 13% for Alt A
21% to 25% for subprime
Actual Q1 2009 serious delinquency rates of Fannie Mae, the largest mortgage lender in the U.S.:
3.15% for conventional single family
9.6% for Alt A
18.0% for subprime
Could the American public handle the facts about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Estimate of total U.S. Treasury commitment to American International Group:
$170 billion
2008 Treasury funding commitment to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:
$200 billion
New 2009 Treasury funding commitment to Fannie and Freddie:
$400 billion
Total Q1 2009 nonperforming loans at Fannie Mae:
$144.9 billion
Actual Q1 2009 loss at Fannie Mae:
$23.2 billion
Total value of home mortgages owned or guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie:
$5.3 trillion
Now more worrisome and of more immediate concern than US treasuries(actually betting on !)is the rapidly escalating conflict in Pakistan...
For all the strategists that have sound dire warnings for the last 50 years, simple trips and a few drone missions won't make the Talibans retreat!
There are reasons enough not to sell ALL your gold just yet... adn some puts on the S&P 500 sound juicy enough!
Good trading to you
In a bear market Longs get clobbered and THEN Shorts get clobbered!
Amazing how the financials went up an aggregate of 23% last week but our sole long holding C barely moved! $4.23 will be the death of us! After trading it long at 1, 2,2.50 and 3.25 we couldn't leave well alone!
Fed today bought $3.510BB out of $10.426BB offered. The percentage taken, 33.7%, was the highest takedown in a bond operation, though not significantly higher than the 30.7% taken on March 30. The dollar amout purchased was a high for the bond sector, exceeding the $3.025BB purchased on 4/30!
That should tell you something!
If the Fed has to both support the dollar AND bond yields in the face of repeated skepticism, there is trouble brewing.
The skeptics complain that the banks have cornered The Treasury secretary and sold him on a bill of goods were more TIME is necessary to fix their balance sheet. Any stricter test would put "undue "pressure on them. As usual bankers have gotten it ALL wrong. When BAD economic numbers come out after this BEAR RALLY, bank stock will be testing and visiting other bottom dwellers.
Stress test “adverse” scenario for 2009 GDP growth:
Actual annualized 2009 GDP growth year-to-date:
Stress test “adverse” scenario average unemployment rate for 2009:
Actual 2009 average unemployment rate year-to-date:
8.3%, with a rate of 8.9% in April
Stress test “adverse” scenario indicative loan loss rates:
3% to 4% for prime
9.5% to 13% for Alt A
21% to 25% for subprime
Actual Q1 2009 serious delinquency rates of Fannie Mae, the largest mortgage lender in the U.S.:
3.15% for conventional single family
9.6% for Alt A
18.0% for subprime
Could the American public handle the facts about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
Estimate of total U.S. Treasury commitment to American International Group:
$170 billion
2008 Treasury funding commitment to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac:
$200 billion
New 2009 Treasury funding commitment to Fannie and Freddie:
$400 billion
Total Q1 2009 nonperforming loans at Fannie Mae:
$144.9 billion
Actual Q1 2009 loss at Fannie Mae:
$23.2 billion
Total value of home mortgages owned or guaranteed by Fannie and Freddie:
$5.3 trillion
Now more worrisome and of more immediate concern than US treasuries(actually betting on !)is the rapidly escalating conflict in Pakistan...
For all the strategists that have sound dire warnings for the last 50 years, simple trips and a few drone missions won't make the Talibans retreat!
There are reasons enough not to sell ALL your gold just yet... adn some puts on the S&P 500 sound juicy enough!
Good trading to you
Thursday, April 30, 2009
S&P 1000 Rally under way
We believe the S&P will hit 1000 as the market is reading into inventory depletion/replenishment. Let's not talk buildup here!
we are most curious to know if banks are actually extending credit to those companies hoping to build-up inventories. There is no better way to create jobs or at least get laid-off workers back into factories. Copper demand is not abating so there is hope out there.
After S&P 1000 WATCH OUT, we think subdued economic activity will give a reality check prior to Q3 numbers. Pre-announcements won't be so much fun either for the giddy.
Best to stick to ETFs than to risk individual and repeated disappointment.
with over $30BB a week of treasuries being newly issued, competing with maturing issues and re-marketed deals, credit problems around the Globe, we find the opportunity of shorting the US 10-30 yr bonds just too much fun! That's where we think the best risk reward lies.
Serious money was made on tightening spreads between corporate bonds and Treasuries putting further problems for Secretary Geithner to rework his model!
Good trading to you!
we are most curious to know if banks are actually extending credit to those companies hoping to build-up inventories. There is no better way to create jobs or at least get laid-off workers back into factories. Copper demand is not abating so there is hope out there.
After S&P 1000 WATCH OUT, we think subdued economic activity will give a reality check prior to Q3 numbers. Pre-announcements won't be so much fun either for the giddy.
Best to stick to ETFs than to risk individual and repeated disappointment.
with over $30BB a week of treasuries being newly issued, competing with maturing issues and re-marketed deals, credit problems around the Globe, we find the opportunity of shorting the US 10-30 yr bonds just too much fun! That's where we think the best risk reward lies.
Serious money was made on tightening spreads between corporate bonds and Treasuries putting further problems for Secretary Geithner to rework his model!
Good trading to you!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
More easing!
When all is said and done, FOMC was a trip to crack dealer.
Heck a drop of 6% in Q1 GDP pretty much anywhere, was that REALLY the bottom?
FED basically said "Patient is weak and needs to be monitored but we believe that with printed money, he will recover" Maybe! is more adequate position...
AT EF, We are sticking to our guns and believe the bond market will fail ahead of the stock market. Luckily we are only short bonds at this point but we really think the market would be healthier IF the earnings multiple on stocks was more subdued. Instead it is yet again overly ambitious and can only cause pain and misery to many stock pickers. Would be best to play the averages if you insist on betting long this very long in the tooth equity rally.
MAY 1st is a holiday in parts of Europe. The french must be upset that it is on a Friday ... they prefer when it falls on a Wednesday so they can plan around successive other MAY holidays and take major portions of the month off...
FRIDAY MAY 1st IS worker day and GM day of more dole money... How fitting!
Good trading to you
Heck a drop of 6% in Q1 GDP pretty much anywhere, was that REALLY the bottom?
FED basically said "Patient is weak and needs to be monitored but we believe that with printed money, he will recover" Maybe! is more adequate position...
AT EF, We are sticking to our guns and believe the bond market will fail ahead of the stock market. Luckily we are only short bonds at this point but we really think the market would be healthier IF the earnings multiple on stocks was more subdued. Instead it is yet again overly ambitious and can only cause pain and misery to many stock pickers. Would be best to play the averages if you insist on betting long this very long in the tooth equity rally.
MAY 1st is a holiday in parts of Europe. The french must be upset that it is on a Friday ... they prefer when it falls on a Wednesday so they can plan around successive other MAY holidays and take major portions of the month off...
FRIDAY MAY 1st IS worker day and GM day of more dole money... How fitting!
Good trading to you
Monday, April 27, 2009
Planes, drains and OTTO-bum-ills
This morning, we were well intent on seeing this market rally but a series of very fortunate events prevented us from being ready at the get go. We heard of planes escorted by fighter jets circling the New York skyline. European currencies rallied...
DRAIN: Trading session in the drain...
Instead we were saddled with a cracked laptop screen and the backup was an ultra slow desktop. This required sourcing a better solution for trading futures and spot currencies. A $4K quad screen setup should arrive UPS sometime next month... Perfect cause the Japanese are going on extended vacations, the French never work in MAY ( July, August, 1/2 December, 1/2 January)... goign to be a falling market... Perfect to trade on trends rather than on merit!
That took care of the morning, while keeping an errant eye on the market. With flu pandemics, drug stock rallies and by the time lunch came around the markets were down and we hadn't either made nor lost money...
This is one of those days were you realize too many people with too little capital are trying to make the news. This is again an ominous sign that the equity market is ready for a major fall.
TREASURY driving US taxpayer in the drain too
With so much Treasury issues in the bond market coming this week, we find it pathetic to see the FED feeding the markets with just enough bids to lose traders in the forest with very mean wolves hungry for the kill. Mind you, the only ones biding up Treasuries at this point, are probably, the loser banks using TARP money. The shills at CNBC make alot of noise about the banks that want to repay. WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THOSE THAT CAN'T REPAY!Always easier to spend money when it's not yours to dish out...
OTTO! Jetzt hergekommen!
Time for BAM, the little red riding hood WITH FIAT money, to visit the Detroit crips and other welfare BUMS. Time to let it all hang out with GM. BAM will not fail (trying)to keep GM a useless shell, but we fear GM's greater contribution to socialism will be to make BAM fail to keep his electoral support intact. The middle class has counted this administration 100 days of grace. Their thumbs look just about ready to change direction. Can the market be far behind?
Caveat Emptor!
GOOD untrading to U
This morning, we were well intent on seeing this market rally but a series of very fortunate events prevented us from being ready at the get go. We heard of planes escorted by fighter jets circling the New York skyline. European currencies rallied...
DRAIN: Trading session in the drain...
Instead we were saddled with a cracked laptop screen and the backup was an ultra slow desktop. This required sourcing a better solution for trading futures and spot currencies. A $4K quad screen setup should arrive UPS sometime next month... Perfect cause the Japanese are going on extended vacations, the French never work in MAY ( July, August, 1/2 December, 1/2 January)... goign to be a falling market... Perfect to trade on trends rather than on merit!
That took care of the morning, while keeping an errant eye on the market. With flu pandemics, drug stock rallies and by the time lunch came around the markets were down and we hadn't either made nor lost money...
This is one of those days were you realize too many people with too little capital are trying to make the news. This is again an ominous sign that the equity market is ready for a major fall.
TREASURY driving US taxpayer in the drain too
With so much Treasury issues in the bond market coming this week, we find it pathetic to see the FED feeding the markets with just enough bids to lose traders in the forest with very mean wolves hungry for the kill. Mind you, the only ones biding up Treasuries at this point, are probably, the loser banks using TARP money. The shills at CNBC make alot of noise about the banks that want to repay. WE WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THOSE THAT CAN'T REPAY!Always easier to spend money when it's not yours to dish out...
OTTO! Jetzt hergekommen!
Time for BAM, the little red riding hood WITH FIAT money, to visit the Detroit crips and other welfare BUMS. Time to let it all hang out with GM. BAM will not fail (trying)to keep GM a useless shell, but we fear GM's greater contribution to socialism will be to make BAM fail to keep his electoral support intact. The middle class has counted this administration 100 days of grace. Their thumbs look just about ready to change direction. Can the market be far behind?
Caveat Emptor!
GOOD untrading to U
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Better earnings giving a lift to morning numbers. Futures point to 1% rise...
Markets should respond. Following yesterday's comments the 10yr Notes trading at best rate since Fed announced plan on March 18th.
Hang Seng up 2.3% showing marked reversal over last 2 sessions.
Goldman puts out a buy on Toyota. Car sales are showing 9MM in US vs. range of 14.2MM to 16-5MM. This makes who ever makes it unscathed at year end , the winner of pent up demand or as a friend suggest maybe Americans will adopt Cuban automobiles habits and keep them for 50 years...
Good trading to you
Markets should respond. Following yesterday's comments the 10yr Notes trading at best rate since Fed announced plan on March 18th.
Hang Seng up 2.3% showing marked reversal over last 2 sessions.
Goldman puts out a buy on Toyota. Car sales are showing 9MM in US vs. range of 14.2MM to 16-5MM. This makes who ever makes it unscathed at year end , the winner of pent up demand or as a friend suggest maybe Americans will adopt Cuban automobiles habits and keep them for 50 years...
Good trading to you
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Out of Physical Gold @$889.30 and EYEING June Futures 124.10 T-bonds
The NA Equity markets closed nasty today.
In the last 10 minutes of trading the TSE lost 70 points while the DJIA retreated another 50 to close at 7886.57.
Whether it's BOTs or weak hands, it is interesting to note that this is the first WEDNESDAY since February that the DJIA closed DOWN
Looking at the US stock tape, We came to the conclusion that armchair accountants were being taught a lesson by PRO Firm capital. When a company with $50MM in sales proposes a $280MM write-off and the stock goes up 25% today alone, you have a machine trading with no sentiment. Just as well, a company with a Debt to equity of 6 could go up 19% when it announces an EXTENSION from its banking syndicate...
Sorry to repeat the same thing for a THIRD time year to date but this is not a market for people clicking their orders from a Second Cup outlet! The ability to Read a balance sheet and open an E trade account does not qualify you to be short this market! BEFORE you say it, "NO"! Just tagging along for the squeeze will protect you when the inevitable fall comes...
What's a trader to do?
Not quite but China looks particularly ominous... While NA American are in their own little bubble the Hang Seng looses 1000 points in last 2 trading sessions... That concerns us greatly! From 12 to 6 and now probably 3% growth is the trend about to reverse or getting worse?
US real estate in terms of price has bottomed especially in areas that have come off the hardest Miami, CA, Las Vegas, Phoenix.
WE still believe the US will be the first to recover, followed by Emerging Markets, especially China. Europe will lag behind.
THe Brits are doomed and their currency is the best short out there. The double whammy of real estate bubble burst combined with the dilapidation of banking assets leaves the country unable to come back and justify the Pound as a viable currency.
Lastly US T-Bonds...
My favorite short ... June bonds 124.10 is CRUCIAL
Fed been buying notes it seems to keep mortgages rates alluring but the Fed wants mortgage refi to go in the 30yr range. We were surprised to see on CNBC the proverbial cheerleaders showing off a consumer so happy to lock a refi at a 5yr rate of 3.05%... good for him but next week Treasury has a bunch of 5s and 10s to issue. We don't think brokers will be so hot for that market if they are competing with the refi market.
WHAT the FED should do is take care of the 30s market but Mr.Geithner is not so naive NOT to understand that a bps on a 30yr is much harder to come by than on a 5 or 10 year. Word to the wise, If you want a positive yield curve, you are going have to do the heavy lifting Mr. Secretary. You can't have your cake and eat it too!!!
124.10 Remember that number!
Good trading to you
In the last 10 minutes of trading the TSE lost 70 points while the DJIA retreated another 50 to close at 7886.57.
Whether it's BOTs or weak hands, it is interesting to note that this is the first WEDNESDAY since February that the DJIA closed DOWN
Looking at the US stock tape, We came to the conclusion that armchair accountants were being taught a lesson by PRO Firm capital. When a company with $50MM in sales proposes a $280MM write-off and the stock goes up 25% today alone, you have a machine trading with no sentiment. Just as well, a company with a Debt to equity of 6 could go up 19% when it announces an EXTENSION from its banking syndicate...
Sorry to repeat the same thing for a THIRD time year to date but this is not a market for people clicking their orders from a Second Cup outlet! The ability to Read a balance sheet and open an E trade account does not qualify you to be short this market! BEFORE you say it, "NO"! Just tagging along for the squeeze will protect you when the inevitable fall comes...
What's a trader to do?
Not quite but China looks particularly ominous... While NA American are in their own little bubble the Hang Seng looses 1000 points in last 2 trading sessions... That concerns us greatly! From 12 to 6 and now probably 3% growth is the trend about to reverse or getting worse?
US real estate in terms of price has bottomed especially in areas that have come off the hardest Miami, CA, Las Vegas, Phoenix.
WE still believe the US will be the first to recover, followed by Emerging Markets, especially China. Europe will lag behind.
THe Brits are doomed and their currency is the best short out there. The double whammy of real estate bubble burst combined with the dilapidation of banking assets leaves the country unable to come back and justify the Pound as a viable currency.
Lastly US T-Bonds...
My favorite short ... June bonds 124.10 is CRUCIAL
Fed been buying notes it seems to keep mortgages rates alluring but the Fed wants mortgage refi to go in the 30yr range. We were surprised to see on CNBC the proverbial cheerleaders showing off a consumer so happy to lock a refi at a 5yr rate of 3.05%... good for him but next week Treasury has a bunch of 5s and 10s to issue. We don't think brokers will be so hot for that market if they are competing with the refi market.
WHAT the FED should do is take care of the 30s market but Mr.Geithner is not so naive NOT to understand that a bps on a 30yr is much harder to come by than on a 5 or 10 year. Word to the wise, If you want a positive yield curve, you are going have to do the heavy lifting Mr. Secretary. You can't have your cake and eat it too!!!
124.10 Remember that number!
Good trading to you
Monday, April 20, 2009
A Market ahead of itself , Loonie call Mea Culpa!
With 1/3 of the S&P reporting this week, we are getting the meat and potatoes on the nastier side of the numbers...
No big Stats this week so the S&P will reveal itself as the big bad wolf
usdcad 1.2375... was 1.1985 on the 16th .. u want volatility?
Current US household valuation ( as indicated by Bank of America loan loss provisions) make a 2009 2010 recovery almost an impossibility.
As traders soon realize bank profits are just acts of FED Largesse. Loan Loss Provisions.
Unemployment in the US is being incorrectly reported as travel into the heartland shows misery everywhere.
the short rise on the loonie probably came after the G20 meeting. Investors saw that Canada was a safe haven for investment and momentum took over. The currency followed but as Energy and commodities rose on overly optimistic expectations, consolidation will occur and the currency will fall with traders moving out and looking for opportunities elsewhere. Expect the recent fall to show a RANGE where you should look to trade 1.19-1.30 and AVOID calls OUTSIDE that range.
OK gold is not a short but a HOLD... The US numbers this week will look ugly and Gold will look good again. Seems it trades inversely to the S&P. CEF.A is trading at a 6% premium ... any time it hits below 13 it's a buy...
Still maintain short will hit low side of range of 44-54 on Expiry tomorrow
CHINA & US Treasuries
Seems China is selling its US treasuries and quietly converting them to stockpiles of non-ferrous metals. While the FED foolishly is buying back their Treasuries to prop up their low yields , the Chinese are getting nice reserves of copper. Now between you and I, What would you rather own, $100BB of copper or $100BB of Fiat currency treasuries?
Good trading to you
With 1/3 of the S&P reporting this week, we are getting the meat and potatoes on the nastier side of the numbers...
No big Stats this week so the S&P will reveal itself as the big bad wolf
usdcad 1.2375... was 1.1985 on the 16th .. u want volatility?
Current US household valuation ( as indicated by Bank of America loan loss provisions) make a 2009 2010 recovery almost an impossibility.
As traders soon realize bank profits are just acts of FED Largesse. Loan Loss Provisions.
Unemployment in the US is being incorrectly reported as travel into the heartland shows misery everywhere.
the short rise on the loonie probably came after the G20 meeting. Investors saw that Canada was a safe haven for investment and momentum took over. The currency followed but as Energy and commodities rose on overly optimistic expectations, consolidation will occur and the currency will fall with traders moving out and looking for opportunities elsewhere. Expect the recent fall to show a RANGE where you should look to trade 1.19-1.30 and AVOID calls OUTSIDE that range.
OK gold is not a short but a HOLD... The US numbers this week will look ugly and Gold will look good again. Seems it trades inversely to the S&P. CEF.A is trading at a 6% premium ... any time it hits below 13 it's a buy...
Still maintain short will hit low side of range of 44-54 on Expiry tomorrow
CHINA & US Treasuries
Seems China is selling its US treasuries and quietly converting them to stockpiles of non-ferrous metals. While the FED foolishly is buying back their Treasuries to prop up their low yields , the Chinese are getting nice reserves of copper. Now between you and I, What would you rather own, $100BB of copper or $100BB of Fiat currency treasuries?
Good trading to you
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
S&P 803 next target... short GOLD to below $800

We've seen a great rally since March 9th. "No doubt about it" would say Mr. Mark Haines.
If enough people want the market to go up... IT WILL. But once that initial move is done, momentum, above moving averages and RESISTANCE becomes counter forces to exuberance.
The somber reality has to be brought back with anecdotal evidence:
- In March 50,000 houses in California went into default.
- Munis refinancing market is sold to an unsuspecting market (pension liabilities are unfunded). There is no pro-interest in the sector ( they know what is coming)
- Some New York commercial properties are changing hands for debt (or 30 cents on the dollar)
In the U.S. market, commercial real estate is worth about $6.5 trillion, and is financed by an estimated $3.1 trillion in debt.
And that debt is going bad at an escalating rate. In March, the delinquency rate on about $724 billion in securitized debt reached 1.8%. As percentages go, that’s a pretty small number. In fact, it’s less than a quarter of the housing market’s record-breaking mortgage-delinquency rate of 7.88% for the fourth quarter, according to the Mortgage Banker’s Association.
- IF Talbots 'latest quarterly report is any indication that retailers with a marginal offering are about to bite the dust, Mall owners will be breaking into negative cash flow soon enough...
If you think banks can make a living on a spread business, think again. Q1 numbers at GS are showing some profits in business lines that aren't likely to be repeated in following quarters. Their competitors missed a golden opportunity to use the March rally to come clean with portions of their books. Waiting or delaying consolidation reporting of mergers (WFC) is NOT going to work for very long.
With the lack of transparency from the FED's decision NOT to report results of the ongoing stress tests, we fear that investors will shy away from committing new funds to this market until another watershed occurs.
Putting this all together suggests our favorite TURBO number S&P 803 is going to be tested fueling a strong move to the down side after that.
While the NAZ had a nice rebound, INTC's numbers don't seem to justify the interest in Semis and the rest of the lot doesn't show margin expansion.
Oil is bound range $44-$54 and nothing seems to offer any viable scenario to see this change any time soon. Production cuts are meeting demand shortfalls step for step. Intense pressure on margins will constrain Capex on all major players well into 2010.
While Mr. Bernanke can be congratulated for offering free money all along the yield curve and avoiding the latest attempt at a market implosion from succeeding, he has won BUT a reprieve. Price deflation abounds as all measures of inflation seem to be subdued: Housing affordability, food and energy costs seem well contained and with a supply of 5MM unsold cars on lots... inflation is not coming back for a while. Holding gold therefore is not a productive asset at this point. People are already getting no return on their CDs and their bonds. HELL if pensioners are just going to sit on physical gold to further reduce their monthly income! Best be short treasuries to gain same effect...
SHORT TERM TRADING? be ready for tiny profits
Market pros are playing this market on a day to day basis bagging small profits and with the looming GM bankruptcy, another period of intense angst is about to test supports levels.
Bernanke and Geithner riding the Obama wave of popularity. Why fight it? WE are using a measure of $10 of short treasuries ETFs (TBT & PST) for any $1 we commit to short term trading, so when Armageddon hits with the inevitable implosion of the current ludicrous bond yields on treasuries, we will be protected when the market really takes another hit.
Unfortunately that country doesn't have the infrastructure or resources to grow its own economy. It still needs foreign investments to fuel job creation> we think it will be a number of years before investments returns in search of what was once a source of English speaking cheap labor.
For some odd reason that metal is trading over a five month rally.
Best bounce back, good currency, great exporter
This has proven a great trade and has another 10 cents in it
US MM banks
US Commercial lenders
US Treasuries (7yrs-20yrs)
US Oil majors
Non-ferrous metal plays
Brazil ETF
Good trading to you!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Friday April 3rd 2009, DAy for bulls?
This is going to be an interesting day. With March INITIAL unemployment numbers coming out, the market is going to react positively no matter what. Why? Because BOG is throwing so much money at the problems, stuff is going to stick and the shorts are going to be getting a taste of their medicine.
The White House is developing a hedge fund to manage $500 billion in toxic bank assets.
So time to adjust a bit our doomsday scenario.
We are putting money at work in highly leveraged situations.
Recent moves in stocks like Honda ( up 50% YTD) suggest that the US consumer isn't going to be content on a 8.8MM volume of car sales. I think 14MM is more of an acceptable and reasonable estimate so the market will discount ahead of a uptake before the summer. It won't help Chrysler and communist funded GM but I would look to Toyota to do well. Anecdotal evidence shows Chinese sales are up 20% showing that there IS a middle class somewhere...
I also am putting money in WFC, BAC as a good bet for a west coast led uptick,
Now for VERY speculative nuts Mirage and Sands are good casino money bet. Theie balance sheets are so messed up consolidation is inevitable.
We sold gold companies ETFs and holding to gold bullion. We see gold in the 800sd before it's next up phase to 1200-1500
The Loonie is a great currency these days, dump the USD
Good trading to you
The White House is developing a hedge fund to manage $500 billion in toxic bank assets.
So time to adjust a bit our doomsday scenario.
We are putting money at work in highly leveraged situations.
Recent moves in stocks like Honda ( up 50% YTD) suggest that the US consumer isn't going to be content on a 8.8MM volume of car sales. I think 14MM is more of an acceptable and reasonable estimate so the market will discount ahead of a uptake before the summer. It won't help Chrysler and communist funded GM but I would look to Toyota to do well. Anecdotal evidence shows Chinese sales are up 20% showing that there IS a middle class somewhere...
I also am putting money in WFC, BAC as a good bet for a west coast led uptick,
Now for VERY speculative nuts Mirage and Sands are good casino money bet. Theie balance sheets are so messed up consolidation is inevitable.
We sold gold companies ETFs and holding to gold bullion. We see gold in the 800sd before it's next up phase to 1200-1500
The Loonie is a great currency these days, dump the USD
Good trading to you
Monday, March 30, 2009
Beatles remake "Welcome Barak to the USSA"
Plus ça change plus c'est la même chose!
Spurned lovers, BANK-rupts speculators and traumatized retirees need to learn to believe again that the future will be brighter. Yeah right! 100 days into the election, Communist Washington now gets to fire CEOs and whole boards on behalf of taxpayers!
Pretty soon Putin types cronies will be parachuted all over industry to "Protect" taxpayer money... Soon enough you will have to show your party pin and pledge allegiance to "ze Republic". Sarko (L'énervé français) gets into the act by firing Peugeot president...
GM chief smart ass gets $20MM to pass the buck and the whole Citi board is to be replaced on orders of the politburo. What will that change, if anything? It didn't work for countless other government interventions. It won't work now!
Good banks and good corporations should be compared to fertile land. Farmers (investors) will come in and sow savings in the hope of gaining future rewards. If the stewards of the land (CEOs) use the wrong fertilizers, plant the wrong types of seeds at the wrong time, prefer goosing profits for the short term, the land can and will eventually become barren if not toxic. Bringing in the sheriff (Barak) and say that the "toxic" land could be saved by printing money, is just plain DUMB. It is much cheaper to declare the land toxic NOW, and start anew. WHY isn't the administration doing more to encourage NEW banks with NEW bankers to go into business instead of trying to FUND CORRUPT BANKERS to lend to a CORRUPT SYSTEM?
Sorry to bust your ideological bubble but the system is not going to fix itself when NOBODY gets paid to DECLARE ASSETS TOXIC and it's not with BOG (Bernanke Obama Geithner) DOWN economics that things are going to fix themselves. IF PEOPLE WHO AGREE TO TAKE ON TOXIC ASSETS CANNOT HAVE THEIR RISKS REWARDED AND PROFITS GUARANTEED, this fiasco will continue a la 1990 Japanese for quite some time WITH the added cherry of INFLATION on top.
Think of all this money printing action as a terribly designed turbo charger which lags a full 4 seconds after you press on the gas pedal. Design to kill, it finally kicks in a 60 degrees curve... Want to venture to guess what happens next? If the brakes are not strong enough to hold the surge in power (money supply) , you are going to go off in the blue yonder... NO FED CHAIRMAN HAS EVER CONTROLLED INFLATION THAT HE GENERATED BY QUANTITATIVE EASING ( money printing for people in search of exotic sounding words)... To be disingenuous, Barak could fire Bernanke right now to prove himself right and me wrong but the current comrade in chief and his predecessor have something in common: they show loyalty...
With Oil heading precipitously below $50 and Gold hovering below $920, my bet stands: Convert your euros NOW, Buy PHYSICAL GOLD and keep shorting US treasuries. WITHIN a year you will be rewarded. While the Europeans will prove to be more inept at keeping their retirees from freezing next winter, Our bets and repeated vote of no confidence in the administration will make sure we spend the winter in Phoenix enjoying the balmy weather.
Now the big issue is corporate bonds... we already alluded to major refinancing required in Germany this year and massive amounts in the US 2012-2013...
Convertible debenture market is going to be interesting but it won't be for amateurs.
With 12% real inflation in our crystal ball, HOW can you price a convertible to have a good bet going?
We will study this in coming weeks.
Good trading to you!
Spurned lovers, BANK-rupts speculators and traumatized retirees need to learn to believe again that the future will be brighter. Yeah right! 100 days into the election, Communist Washington now gets to fire CEOs and whole boards on behalf of taxpayers!
Pretty soon Putin types cronies will be parachuted all over industry to "Protect" taxpayer money... Soon enough you will have to show your party pin and pledge allegiance to "ze Republic". Sarko (L'énervé français) gets into the act by firing Peugeot president...
GM chief smart ass gets $20MM to pass the buck and the whole Citi board is to be replaced on orders of the politburo. What will that change, if anything? It didn't work for countless other government interventions. It won't work now!
Good banks and good corporations should be compared to fertile land. Farmers (investors) will come in and sow savings in the hope of gaining future rewards. If the stewards of the land (CEOs) use the wrong fertilizers, plant the wrong types of seeds at the wrong time, prefer goosing profits for the short term, the land can and will eventually become barren if not toxic. Bringing in the sheriff (Barak) and say that the "toxic" land could be saved by printing money, is just plain DUMB. It is much cheaper to declare the land toxic NOW, and start anew. WHY isn't the administration doing more to encourage NEW banks with NEW bankers to go into business instead of trying to FUND CORRUPT BANKERS to lend to a CORRUPT SYSTEM?
Sorry to bust your ideological bubble but the system is not going to fix itself when NOBODY gets paid to DECLARE ASSETS TOXIC and it's not with BOG (Bernanke Obama Geithner) DOWN economics that things are going to fix themselves. IF PEOPLE WHO AGREE TO TAKE ON TOXIC ASSETS CANNOT HAVE THEIR RISKS REWARDED AND PROFITS GUARANTEED, this fiasco will continue a la 1990 Japanese for quite some time WITH the added cherry of INFLATION on top.
Think of all this money printing action as a terribly designed turbo charger which lags a full 4 seconds after you press on the gas pedal. Design to kill, it finally kicks in a 60 degrees curve... Want to venture to guess what happens next? If the brakes are not strong enough to hold the surge in power (money supply) , you are going to go off in the blue yonder... NO FED CHAIRMAN HAS EVER CONTROLLED INFLATION THAT HE GENERATED BY QUANTITATIVE EASING ( money printing for people in search of exotic sounding words)... To be disingenuous, Barak could fire Bernanke right now to prove himself right and me wrong but the current comrade in chief and his predecessor have something in common: they show loyalty...
With Oil heading precipitously below $50 and Gold hovering below $920, my bet stands: Convert your euros NOW, Buy PHYSICAL GOLD and keep shorting US treasuries. WITHIN a year you will be rewarded. While the Europeans will prove to be more inept at keeping their retirees from freezing next winter, Our bets and repeated vote of no confidence in the administration will make sure we spend the winter in Phoenix enjoying the balmy weather.
Now the big issue is corporate bonds... we already alluded to major refinancing required in Germany this year and massive amounts in the US 2012-2013...
Convertible debenture market is going to be interesting but it won't be for amateurs.
With 12% real inflation in our crystal ball, HOW can you price a convertible to have a good bet going?
We will study this in coming weeks.
Good trading to you!
Friday, March 20, 2009
The sytem is still broken and nothing is changing
The Sheriff is back in the news even though he lost his badge but his pen is still doing the swashbuckling. I was reading Eliot Spitzer in slate magazine who started to bash Goldman Sachs for the counter party payoff out of the first tranche of TARP...
As we all know Geithner was still acting NY FED President at the time and Chairman Bernanke didn't bother asking lots of questions. Eliot Spitzer offered a $12BB figure as the payoff Goldman Sachs received. Seems the bets to the fat cats are honored where as the losers like Lehman and Bear Stearns are quickly forgotten.
It's an interesting argument and it probably will not be pursued.
The system is broken because we are chasing the dead cats rather than the fat cats who still hold the money.
AIG bonuses , Madoff and other lesser Ponzis, they are peanuts compared to the vast amounts being funneled to Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase and others
When there is a fire, would you at least prefer to have a corrupt fire chief show up to let you watch your house burn down or do you prefer to know the bad firemen are off in Scottsdale playing golf with your insurance money?
For now President Obama, Chairman Bernanke and Secretary Geithner all believe that showing a positive spin on the Financial capital of the US (recently moved to Washington) is the right course. I disagree. Andrew Cuomo is not doing his job, going after $163MM in bonuses when AIG received $173BB!!! What a joke! just doing enough for electoral purposes and very little to vindicate the massive losses suffered by investors.
For the disenfranchised, the out of work, the uninsured, the unskilled, the road will be long and arduous while the schemers will enjoy the ill gotten gains over the next twenty years.
For the Middle class, a lesson needs to be reminded. If you do not take care of politics, politicians will make decisions for you benefiting the rich and powerful and leaving you with a debased currency and a falling standard of living.
It is right to be mad and it is important to create a framework where the finances of the country and the capitalist system is meant to reward the investors ahead of the managers. Until then the system will remain broken or maybe it never worked. It might have been an illusion!
Good trading to you
As we all know Geithner was still acting NY FED President at the time and Chairman Bernanke didn't bother asking lots of questions. Eliot Spitzer offered a $12BB figure as the payoff Goldman Sachs received. Seems the bets to the fat cats are honored where as the losers like Lehman and Bear Stearns are quickly forgotten.
It's an interesting argument and it probably will not be pursued.
The system is broken because we are chasing the dead cats rather than the fat cats who still hold the money.
AIG bonuses , Madoff and other lesser Ponzis, they are peanuts compared to the vast amounts being funneled to Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan Chase and others
When there is a fire, would you at least prefer to have a corrupt fire chief show up to let you watch your house burn down or do you prefer to know the bad firemen are off in Scottsdale playing golf with your insurance money?
For now President Obama, Chairman Bernanke and Secretary Geithner all believe that showing a positive spin on the Financial capital of the US (recently moved to Washington) is the right course. I disagree. Andrew Cuomo is not doing his job, going after $163MM in bonuses when AIG received $173BB!!! What a joke! just doing enough for electoral purposes and very little to vindicate the massive losses suffered by investors.
For the disenfranchised, the out of work, the uninsured, the unskilled, the road will be long and arduous while the schemers will enjoy the ill gotten gains over the next twenty years.
For the Middle class, a lesson needs to be reminded. If you do not take care of politics, politicians will make decisions for you benefiting the rich and powerful and leaving you with a debased currency and a falling standard of living.
It is right to be mad and it is important to create a framework where the finances of the country and the capitalist system is meant to reward the investors ahead of the managers. Until then the system will remain broken or maybe it never worked. It might have been an illusion!
Good trading to you
Thursday, March 5, 2009
What a Joke!
Federal government Shills on the hill answer to elected officials that it would not be in the interest of the taxpayer to reveal the names of the counter parties in the AIG debacle. It might stop them wanting to do business with AIG. THE company is BANKRUPT! Nobody in their right mind would ever undertake counter party risk with AIG at this point. All that is left are the winning trades of the counterparties. The game is kept alive for the sake of the Europeans...
Here's my take: AIG had written up $2TB of guarantees on US assets for European investors. Mind you AG only had $100BB of capital at the time but Hank Greenberg was to happy to oblige. NOW who could have guessed that these guarantees are now pretty much vested and the US taxpayer is on th hook "to Honor" them. $180BB and counting...
Now We suspect the reason behind this farce continuing is that American regulators know that if they let the European banks have to acknowledge that their US assets are no longer "guaranteed" , they would precipitate their inability to function and would have to convert outside the US dollar...
SO the reasoning at Treasury and the FED is this charade continues further debasing any semblance of repayment.
In the meantime, all players are piling into US treasuries, outside the Euro and the Pound at any price.
Now I have to go back into GOLD NOW NOW NOW because sooner than later, those same players are going to trash the DOLLAR NFP tomorrow morning!!! even if the start is encouraging, commercial real estate is going to take a slew of insurance and pensions funds into oblivion...
Thanks to the Chinese government for allowing players to sell on rumours of intervention! Bet you Wall street started that rumour to sell into ANY rallye
Everyone for themselves!
THis BOAT is a sinkin' faster & faster!
Here's my take: AIG had written up $2TB of guarantees on US assets for European investors. Mind you AG only had $100BB of capital at the time but Hank Greenberg was to happy to oblige. NOW who could have guessed that these guarantees are now pretty much vested and the US taxpayer is on th hook "to Honor" them. $180BB and counting...
Now We suspect the reason behind this farce continuing is that American regulators know that if they let the European banks have to acknowledge that their US assets are no longer "guaranteed" , they would precipitate their inability to function and would have to convert outside the US dollar...
SO the reasoning at Treasury and the FED is this charade continues further debasing any semblance of repayment.
In the meantime, all players are piling into US treasuries, outside the Euro and the Pound at any price.
Now I have to go back into GOLD NOW NOW NOW because sooner than later, those same players are going to trash the DOLLAR NFP tomorrow morning!!! even if the start is encouraging, commercial real estate is going to take a slew of insurance and pensions funds into oblivion...
Thanks to the Chinese government for allowing players to sell on rumours of intervention! Bet you Wall street started that rumour to sell into ANY rallye
Everyone for themselves!
THis BOAT is a sinkin' faster & faster!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Listening to Bernanke and Geithner today, I feel of a sense of revolt that is stewing and growing amongst the many members of our generation. The socialization of America and its current administration has a spooky feel to it. It reminds me of a darker time and if we are not careful, it could usher in a era similar to the 1950s where suspicion and doom and gloom permeated our every day lives.
Not satisfied with managing the defense of America and running two wars, in one swift scoop, the US federal government is now LENDER, BROKER, INSURER OF STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES, POLICEMAN, BANKER, HIGHER EDUCATION DISPENSER and eventually graduating from offering you unwanted proctological diagnoses to a battery of government sponsored HMO services.
All this happened because Americans had to blame the last administration for its own failings. Relying on Keynesian economics to move your social agenda DOESN'T WORK!!! We tried it here in CANADA in the 1970s. Galbraith and Trudeau? Remember those do gooders? OUCH it was painful for twenty years after!! On this course, the OBAMA administration can only promise to accelerate the destruction of the purchasing power of at least THREE generations: Grand-parents, Boomers and their kids. If we don't do anything about it, our grand kids will be next.
The government is printing money in the hope of replacing the consumer as the engine to start the economy. This is not going to work. Money is a MECHANISM to exchange goods and services NOT a substitute for productive assets that create jobs, savings and wealth. Consumers have changed bro! I guarantee you that if you go polling the average American, most will NEVER consume the same way, EVER!!!! SO why try to save something that has no chance of surviving?
Like any reasonable history buff, I will summarily give you the reasons which got the US on its current path and end by giving some suggestions to prevent a repeat of past failures.
The US population. as a whole, took the last 35 years to decide that working in a rust belt factory wasn't such a great idea. It was easier to buy Japanese cars, move to the burbs, living vicariously through video consoles and TVs. Why bother urging Washington lobbies groups for American manufacturers to keep reinvesting in their future? Volcker and Greenspan gave Yuppies credit cards and the illusion that their future was secure. Cheap money was the ticket. Coastal city dwellers lived, insouciant, through US Media that gave them needed and affordable escapism and a view of acceptable consumerism. Meanwhile, Bible belt residents were given their own weekly opium and their moral majority dialogue in Washington. Wal-Mart made consumption available to all.When views of others clashed with the purely manufactured American dream, demagogues, wrapping themselves in the American flag and religion if not both, using the word FREEDOM a lot won the day for the good old USA. Democrats and Republicans were the same animals using different rhetoric but with the same end game: REELECTION with the best health care, pension fund and tax free campaign surpluses. Intellectuals were only allowed lip service and often drew only the minute Birkenstock crowd to voice a social conscience. The latter weren't much help as they also espoused the philosophy of " Not in my backyard" ( aka no new: nuclear plants, recycling plants and Refineries). In 2002, A movement to change the way things got done in Washington started to emerge with the manufactured position paper designed by the GORE think tank. That movement is still alive but currently has no influence over concrete policy. Don't they call that lip service? The Pentagon budget runs the show and until it is decimated nothing will change. Until 2007, educated Americans preferred living in double height garages for their massive SUVs, 10,000 sq.F homes with Imported furniture, Italian embroidery, watching any of their 5 60" plasma TVs and having holiday retreats in Cabo. In the process, they shipped out jobs by the millions. They voted Republican and made sure the wealthy had the luxury of the most complicated tax code to keep their lifestyle going. A healthy budget for the Pentagon and a me,myself and I foreign policy did the rest. The middle class used their house as ATMs to look prosperous. They moved to urban enclaves, got jobs in shiny towers pushing paper and eventually emails, basically to witness the whole US economy become the world's most sophisticated network of movement of goods (made elsewhere). The working class slowly became the poor, the uninsured and eventually the incarcerated.
In 2007, the American dream got shattered because the HOME OWNERSHIP which had meant for generations the path to wealth and exciting lifestyle followed a well known law of scatological physics, ( if you can't spot the sucker at a poker game...) and soon jumped the accounting divide of a balance sheet and became a liability to all concerned. The word "toxic" was suddenly abundant yet abhorrent Within 4 months, Americans realized that there was a problem with this pungent credit problemo. Fannie and Freddie, which were but a few of the profligate federal money purveyors, aka party pals, were locked up when their massive tabs were obviously going to remain unpaid.
In 2008,Bear and Lehman would take the party to lock-up. This wasn't a minor snafu anymore. The American dream became a nasty wake call into a nightmare all so real reality show. INFLATION had to be contained at all costs. As if it was the culprit!
Western governments gambled badly when they pointed to hedge funds as the greatest threat to their economies. Governments assumed that highly leveraged speculation on commodities were the potential fuel of inflation that may threaten long term rates used to price mortgages. Therefore hedge funds had to be reigned in. In fact it was the last hurrah of this largely unregulated industry. The savings of a generation that were leveraged 30 times over would evaporate in the next 18 months.
When commodity funds started to implode because of de-leveraging, NO matter which side of the trade you were on, the losers would precipitate the closing of contracts and the winners saw their winning positions closed ahead of their losers. The whole process accelerated and many investors saw their holdings decimated by up to 80%.
It took with them their feeder funds managed by ex-Lehman, BS, GS, JPM managers, well you know the list... Soon enough, A tsunami of credit contraction took out all the backstop insurance of the mortgage guarantors. With no housing and commodities left, the US finance industry was left in the spot light to notice the carnage as it gained in ferocity.
The current erroneous judgment calls of both BERNANKE and GEITHNER (B&G) are that AIG has to honor guarantee Credit defaults swaps or else that municipalities and banks will never be able to issue bonds. If i know anything, the guys HOLDING the bonds now are the best to renegotiate terms of repayment. THEY have the most to loose yet somehow the OBAMA administration just like the BUSH administration before it is led to believe that it's the financial industry's job to price risk! With no such industry left, the reckless B&G continue on this same failed path .... THAT is ludicrous. THE MARKET will eventually price bonds without a guarantee and there is NOTHING B&G can or SHOULD do about it. ALL will be WELL. JUST LET IT HAPPEN! Until then, the market will continue to fail...
On a silver lining, government, by imposing limits on executive salaries in the investment world, is doing a potential good deed, by making sure that bright minds are barred from making money off the next generation of taxpayers and may seek to find reward in an honest job. I am not holding my breath though. Once you get to rake $20MM to push buttons, schmooze a CDPQ guy out of billions, tough to go back to drawing a rapid transit system or farmer's market layout.
A 40% contraction in the economy. Big box concepts stores within a mile of each other are useless if not detrimental
America needs to get back to MAKING things. It needs to make them better than the Chinese. Americans need to consume less, exercise more, produce better, improve the environment and invest more in PERMANENT education and health care. How do you do that? By building better roads, highways, bridges? HARDLY!
You need healthy food, clean air & water, increased use of public transport, access to education and CHEAP health care solutions. What you don't need are obsolete car factories, issuing $5MM missile P.O. to heavily lobbied Defense Contractors and sponsoring $250K surgical procedures reimbursed by Medicare.
The best minds should find solutions to weening a society off the combustion engine and the daily commute to suburbia. It took thirty years to get people to stop smoking, how long will it take to make High Octane gasoline the next buggy whip? It will be difficult and challenging.
Well first you make sure healthy companies survive and that the lesser ones are meant to fold QUICKLY. Companies that survived their usefulness because of flawed access to credit should get their just reward: BANKRUPTCY! I think MAN invented it the process and only current politicians (who think they are GODS) try to stave off the inevitable. This isn't doing anybody any good.The longer it is allowed to last the longer the repercussions.
THE JOB OF GOVERNMENT is to ensure companies operate lawfully in a environment for the collective good. I find it hilarious that the Administration and Congress are promising swift legislation to "re-regulate" an industry when it can't even police the regulated ones ( AIG, Madoff with how much?)
Let the banks that lent on a model of ever growing population go into oblivion. PRODUCTIVITY, not capital, defines the needs for INVESTMENT CAPITAL.
Who needs 250,000 malls when 100,000 suffice? Municipalities must be swift, close down malls and businesses that don't pay their taxes, outlived their usefulness and turn the land back to farmers and productive use! I do not look forward to a repeat of a decimated POST Vietnam America!
Make sure urban and rural planning is independent from influence.
Responding to the upcoming needs of an aging population should be the constant preoccupation of business and academia and not relegated to politicians who think in 4 year increments.
As a follower of the North American investment community over the last 35 years, I know I can only invest in securities if the government gives me a stable environment that is conducive to holding on to future returns. At the moment, the CURRENT guarantee I am contemplating revolves around savings that promise to be worth less because of all this money printing scheme. It goes counter to what I believe is good economic sense. (read up on the Austrian School).
Our politicians need to be reminded that the laws of supply and demand also applies to paper currency. With the dozens of trillion of fiat dollars, Euros, Yens coming to roost in our near future, I fear we are looking at rampant inflation and subsequent price controls!
I have now doubled my shorts on US Treasuries 20yrss and 7-10yrss, sold my gold holdings ( Going back in when it falls back to $800-850).
Good trading to you!
Not satisfied with managing the defense of America and running two wars, in one swift scoop, the US federal government is now LENDER, BROKER, INSURER OF STATES AND MUNICIPALITIES, POLICEMAN, BANKER, HIGHER EDUCATION DISPENSER and eventually graduating from offering you unwanted proctological diagnoses to a battery of government sponsored HMO services.
All this happened because Americans had to blame the last administration for its own failings. Relying on Keynesian economics to move your social agenda DOESN'T WORK!!! We tried it here in CANADA in the 1970s. Galbraith and Trudeau? Remember those do gooders? OUCH it was painful for twenty years after!! On this course, the OBAMA administration can only promise to accelerate the destruction of the purchasing power of at least THREE generations: Grand-parents, Boomers and their kids. If we don't do anything about it, our grand kids will be next.
The government is printing money in the hope of replacing the consumer as the engine to start the economy. This is not going to work. Money is a MECHANISM to exchange goods and services NOT a substitute for productive assets that create jobs, savings and wealth. Consumers have changed bro! I guarantee you that if you go polling the average American, most will NEVER consume the same way, EVER!!!! SO why try to save something that has no chance of surviving?
Like any reasonable history buff, I will summarily give you the reasons which got the US on its current path and end by giving some suggestions to prevent a repeat of past failures.
The US population. as a whole, took the last 35 years to decide that working in a rust belt factory wasn't such a great idea. It was easier to buy Japanese cars, move to the burbs, living vicariously through video consoles and TVs. Why bother urging Washington lobbies groups for American manufacturers to keep reinvesting in their future? Volcker and Greenspan gave Yuppies credit cards and the illusion that their future was secure. Cheap money was the ticket. Coastal city dwellers lived, insouciant, through US Media that gave them needed and affordable escapism and a view of acceptable consumerism. Meanwhile, Bible belt residents were given their own weekly opium and their moral majority dialogue in Washington. Wal-Mart made consumption available to all.When views of others clashed with the purely manufactured American dream, demagogues, wrapping themselves in the American flag and religion if not both, using the word FREEDOM a lot won the day for the good old USA. Democrats and Republicans were the same animals using different rhetoric but with the same end game: REELECTION with the best health care, pension fund and tax free campaign surpluses. Intellectuals were only allowed lip service and often drew only the minute Birkenstock crowd to voice a social conscience. The latter weren't much help as they also espoused the philosophy of " Not in my backyard" ( aka no new: nuclear plants, recycling plants and Refineries). In 2002, A movement to change the way things got done in Washington started to emerge with the manufactured position paper designed by the GORE think tank. That movement is still alive but currently has no influence over concrete policy. Don't they call that lip service? The Pentagon budget runs the show and until it is decimated nothing will change. Until 2007, educated Americans preferred living in double height garages for their massive SUVs, 10,000 sq.F homes with Imported furniture, Italian embroidery, watching any of their 5 60" plasma TVs and having holiday retreats in Cabo. In the process, they shipped out jobs by the millions. They voted Republican and made sure the wealthy had the luxury of the most complicated tax code to keep their lifestyle going. A healthy budget for the Pentagon and a me,myself and I foreign policy did the rest. The middle class used their house as ATMs to look prosperous. They moved to urban enclaves, got jobs in shiny towers pushing paper and eventually emails, basically to witness the whole US economy become the world's most sophisticated network of movement of goods (made elsewhere). The working class slowly became the poor, the uninsured and eventually the incarcerated.
In 2007, the American dream got shattered because the HOME OWNERSHIP which had meant for generations the path to wealth and exciting lifestyle followed a well known law of scatological physics, ( if you can't spot the sucker at a poker game...) and soon jumped the accounting divide of a balance sheet and became a liability to all concerned. The word "toxic" was suddenly abundant yet abhorrent Within 4 months, Americans realized that there was a problem with this pungent credit problemo. Fannie and Freddie, which were but a few of the profligate federal money purveyors, aka party pals, were locked up when their massive tabs were obviously going to remain unpaid.
In 2008,Bear and Lehman would take the party to lock-up. This wasn't a minor snafu anymore. The American dream became a nasty wake call into a nightmare all so real reality show. INFLATION had to be contained at all costs. As if it was the culprit!
Western governments gambled badly when they pointed to hedge funds as the greatest threat to their economies. Governments assumed that highly leveraged speculation on commodities were the potential fuel of inflation that may threaten long term rates used to price mortgages. Therefore hedge funds had to be reigned in. In fact it was the last hurrah of this largely unregulated industry. The savings of a generation that were leveraged 30 times over would evaporate in the next 18 months.
When commodity funds started to implode because of de-leveraging, NO matter which side of the trade you were on, the losers would precipitate the closing of contracts and the winners saw their winning positions closed ahead of their losers. The whole process accelerated and many investors saw their holdings decimated by up to 80%.
It took with them their feeder funds managed by ex-Lehman, BS, GS, JPM managers, well you know the list... Soon enough, A tsunami of credit contraction took out all the backstop insurance of the mortgage guarantors. With no housing and commodities left, the US finance industry was left in the spot light to notice the carnage as it gained in ferocity.
The current erroneous judgment calls of both BERNANKE and GEITHNER (B&G) are that AIG has to honor guarantee Credit defaults swaps or else that municipalities and banks will never be able to issue bonds. If i know anything, the guys HOLDING the bonds now are the best to renegotiate terms of repayment. THEY have the most to loose yet somehow the OBAMA administration just like the BUSH administration before it is led to believe that it's the financial industry's job to price risk! With no such industry left, the reckless B&G continue on this same failed path .... THAT is ludicrous. THE MARKET will eventually price bonds without a guarantee and there is NOTHING B&G can or SHOULD do about it. ALL will be WELL. JUST LET IT HAPPEN! Until then, the market will continue to fail...
On a silver lining, government, by imposing limits on executive salaries in the investment world, is doing a potential good deed, by making sure that bright minds are barred from making money off the next generation of taxpayers and may seek to find reward in an honest job. I am not holding my breath though. Once you get to rake $20MM to push buttons, schmooze a CDPQ guy out of billions, tough to go back to drawing a rapid transit system or farmer's market layout.
A 40% contraction in the economy. Big box concepts stores within a mile of each other are useless if not detrimental
America needs to get back to MAKING things. It needs to make them better than the Chinese. Americans need to consume less, exercise more, produce better, improve the environment and invest more in PERMANENT education and health care. How do you do that? By building better roads, highways, bridges? HARDLY!
You need healthy food, clean air & water, increased use of public transport, access to education and CHEAP health care solutions. What you don't need are obsolete car factories, issuing $5MM missile P.O. to heavily lobbied Defense Contractors and sponsoring $250K surgical procedures reimbursed by Medicare.
The best minds should find solutions to weening a society off the combustion engine and the daily commute to suburbia. It took thirty years to get people to stop smoking, how long will it take to make High Octane gasoline the next buggy whip? It will be difficult and challenging.
Well first you make sure healthy companies survive and that the lesser ones are meant to fold QUICKLY. Companies that survived their usefulness because of flawed access to credit should get their just reward: BANKRUPTCY! I think MAN invented it the process and only current politicians (who think they are GODS) try to stave off the inevitable. This isn't doing anybody any good.The longer it is allowed to last the longer the repercussions.
THE JOB OF GOVERNMENT is to ensure companies operate lawfully in a environment for the collective good. I find it hilarious that the Administration and Congress are promising swift legislation to "re-regulate" an industry when it can't even police the regulated ones ( AIG, Madoff with how much?)
Let the banks that lent on a model of ever growing population go into oblivion. PRODUCTIVITY, not capital, defines the needs for INVESTMENT CAPITAL.
Who needs 250,000 malls when 100,000 suffice? Municipalities must be swift, close down malls and businesses that don't pay their taxes, outlived their usefulness and turn the land back to farmers and productive use! I do not look forward to a repeat of a decimated POST Vietnam America!
Make sure urban and rural planning is independent from influence.
Responding to the upcoming needs of an aging population should be the constant preoccupation of business and academia and not relegated to politicians who think in 4 year increments.
As a follower of the North American investment community over the last 35 years, I know I can only invest in securities if the government gives me a stable environment that is conducive to holding on to future returns. At the moment, the CURRENT guarantee I am contemplating revolves around savings that promise to be worth less because of all this money printing scheme. It goes counter to what I believe is good economic sense. (read up on the Austrian School).
Our politicians need to be reminded that the laws of supply and demand also applies to paper currency. With the dozens of trillion of fiat dollars, Euros, Yens coming to roost in our near future, I fear we are looking at rampant inflation and subsequent price controls!
I have now doubled my shorts on US Treasuries 20yrss and 7-10yrss, sold my gold holdings ( Going back in when it falls back to $800-850).
Good trading to you!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Why a bear market rallye hurts new clickers more...
Baby boomers are learning one of the toughest lessons of aging. Nothing works quite as well when it has been used for a long time.
Having easily done more than 300K trades in my life, I am always amused by all the would be stock traders out there thinking that because they can open an account and click on e-trade, it now empowers them as investment gurus.
The landscape has changed more on Wall Street in the last 18 months than in the last 70 years. Computers and programmers are now replacing complete trading pits and trading rooms. What is left is unemotional program trading,the equivalent of slot machines, waiting for fools to open accounts, turn on their PCs or cell phones and click their money away into "investments"... It's the New Las Vegas and I am surprised we haven't heard ex-mortgage brokers aka ex-pizza delivery boys going into this action. Let's face it, there is supposedly $7.1 Trillion dollars waiting on the sidelines... There must reactionaries who feel empowered by their thinking that because "THEY" haven't lost 50% of their money in the stock market , they are collectively smarter than the people who saw the DJIA hit a 12 year low yesterday and seen their 401K barely able to fund a daily caffeine fix at Blackholebucks...
Well let me give you some really GOOD advice in point form:
- IF you open an electronic account and hope to trade against a person, odds are that you are trading against a machine with no emotion and contrary to you IT makes money on a penny spread
- More stocks fall by 25% or more than stock rises by 20% in a single day in a bear market. This means the odds of having a blow-up are squarely against you
- Hard assets and commodities have a tendency to have higher gyrations when the pie has shrunken by 50% and spreads widen accordingly
CAUTION IS IN ORDER: if you don't have stops, options coverage and hope to pick up some GE like Warren Buffett did at 21.75 , be ready to buy even more at $8...!
Some of the damage I have seen in this market, is extraordinary and thinking you can catch a falling knife is not that great strategy! But every day the talking heads on CNBC, insist a bottom is near, well I tell here and NOW , the market cannot hit a bottom UNTIL AIG is allowed to fail...
Buying PGF.UN at these levels (6.75) after my first return at 10 (ouch), seeing gold hit the 800 before the next rallye, dump silver.
Good trading to you
Having easily done more than 300K trades in my life, I am always amused by all the would be stock traders out there thinking that because they can open an account and click on e-trade, it now empowers them as investment gurus.
The landscape has changed more on Wall Street in the last 18 months than in the last 70 years. Computers and programmers are now replacing complete trading pits and trading rooms. What is left is unemotional program trading,the equivalent of slot machines, waiting for fools to open accounts, turn on their PCs or cell phones and click their money away into "investments"... It's the New Las Vegas and I am surprised we haven't heard ex-mortgage brokers aka ex-pizza delivery boys going into this action. Let's face it, there is supposedly $7.1 Trillion dollars waiting on the sidelines... There must reactionaries who feel empowered by their thinking that because "THEY" haven't lost 50% of their money in the stock market , they are collectively smarter than the people who saw the DJIA hit a 12 year low yesterday and seen their 401K barely able to fund a daily caffeine fix at Blackholebucks...
Well let me give you some really GOOD advice in point form:
- IF you open an electronic account and hope to trade against a person, odds are that you are trading against a machine with no emotion and contrary to you IT makes money on a penny spread
- More stocks fall by 25% or more than stock rises by 20% in a single day in a bear market. This means the odds of having a blow-up are squarely against you
- Hard assets and commodities have a tendency to have higher gyrations when the pie has shrunken by 50% and spreads widen accordingly
CAUTION IS IN ORDER: if you don't have stops, options coverage and hope to pick up some GE like Warren Buffett did at 21.75 , be ready to buy even more at $8...!
Some of the damage I have seen in this market, is extraordinary and thinking you can catch a falling knife is not that great strategy! But every day the talking heads on CNBC, insist a bottom is near, well I tell here and NOW , the market cannot hit a bottom UNTIL AIG is allowed to fail...
Buying PGF.UN at these levels (6.75) after my first return at 10 (ouch), seeing gold hit the 800 before the next rallye, dump silver.
Good trading to you
Monday, February 9, 2009
Further Signs that Obama is fed Pablum!
What a dismal site: There, the commander in chief, earnestly, trying to show empathy in a town hall meeting. Just like Bush, reciting a litany of grievances on previous administrations, ghosts that need to be exorcised and the big man imploring support for his rituals. As forewarned, it did not take long before the powers that be, have corrupted the true understanding of the last days of the republic.
If the Republicans can be commended for delaying by all tactics available to them, the ratification of the spending bill, we are of the belief that it is more in spite that they don't get to spend it themselves and are just planning their 2012 campaign by showing their disdain for this folly rescue package.
We are of the belief that a 50% fall in aggregate demand for a fraction of consumer products will ultimately be met with a 25% fall in supply over the medium term which in turn will spike up inflation while keeping up high unemployment.. THE LAST thing you want to do is throw $8TB that will eventually end up creating hyper inflation when demand in 18 months will outstrip supply!
we are already seeing that the Obama administration has lost its way in the foggy swamps of economic half truths. While the road to indebtness is paved with rearview mirrors, please Mr. President avoid the rhetoric and anecdoctal evidence and let us live in fear for 18 motnhs rather than regret for the next two generations.
If the Republicans can be commended for delaying by all tactics available to them, the ratification of the spending bill, we are of the belief that it is more in spite that they don't get to spend it themselves and are just planning their 2012 campaign by showing their disdain for this folly rescue package.
We are of the belief that a 50% fall in aggregate demand for a fraction of consumer products will ultimately be met with a 25% fall in supply over the medium term which in turn will spike up inflation while keeping up high unemployment.. THE LAST thing you want to do is throw $8TB that will eventually end up creating hyper inflation when demand in 18 months will outstrip supply!
we are already seeing that the Obama administration has lost its way in the foggy swamps of economic half truths. While the road to indebtness is paved with rearview mirrors, please Mr. President avoid the rhetoric and anecdoctal evidence and let us live in fear for 18 motnhs rather than regret for the next two generations.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
And What If...
I have been talking to three good friends in the money management business this week and the consensus amongst us four was that sooner than later long term rates would rise. A commodity based hedge fund manager, a bond guru, a full service retail broker seem to agree with my thoughts and outlook. That got me thinking. IF we all agree, why isn't the DJIA at 5K yet? Why with all the dire news of 50K layoffs every day, drops in demand of 50% for cars, why can't I buy a brand new Chrysler for $5K?
What if Geithner and Bernanke instead of continuing to be history majors somehow became master poker players? Mind you It's a far stretch but read on!
Congress approves $835BB BUT the SENATE especially the REPUBLICANS get to be the saviors by sending back to el Presidente a scaled back $400BB-$500BB plan. Mkt was bracing for the whopper and they get a diet meal. Obama plays along... USD rallies DJIA coughs up a little because foreign earnings will suffer but all of a sudden, the mother of all short squeezes prays upon the naysayers... GREED is back and that is good as everybody I talk to has only fear and THAT is not GOOD for anybody!
On that note took some nice profits on TBT at $49.01, sold my SU flat ( too much debt), Sold DNR for very nice gain (16%), bought some UUU (keeping fingers crossed) and now TIM and BEN get the hill to cut the pork and let's have a PARTY!
Good trading to you!
What if Geithner and Bernanke instead of continuing to be history majors somehow became master poker players? Mind you It's a far stretch but read on!
Congress approves $835BB BUT the SENATE especially the REPUBLICANS get to be the saviors by sending back to el Presidente a scaled back $400BB-$500BB plan. Mkt was bracing for the whopper and they get a diet meal. Obama plays along... USD rallies DJIA coughs up a little because foreign earnings will suffer but all of a sudden, the mother of all short squeezes prays upon the naysayers... GREED is back and that is good as everybody I talk to has only fear and THAT is not GOOD for anybody!
On that note took some nice profits on TBT at $49.01, sold my SU flat ( too much debt), Sold DNR for very nice gain (16%), bought some UUU (keeping fingers crossed) and now TIM and BEN get the hill to cut the pork and let's have a PARTY!
Good trading to you!
Monday, January 26, 2009
7-10, 20 and 30 yr Treasuries: Short them ALL!!!!!!!!
Now that Gold has gone from $730 to over $900 and a drop of the Canadian dollar, our Canadian investors have had a stellar 60 days.
What can we expect for 2009?
Geithner will be to Obama what Rumsfeld was to Bush.
Tim, you are not the man of the hour. The idea of spending recklessly and destroying the purchasing power of countless baby boomers coming into their retirement is dumb. Poking the eye of the Chinese central bankers is even dumber than trying to put the moves on your future mother in law in front of the whole family.
BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN: PST TBT ( double short bond ETFs)... courtesy of the Obama administration... I would buy foreign ETF short bonds but they are not marketing on NYSE...
Germany has the most debt maturing in 2009 and the rise in yields ofBunds are already indicators of the next Tsunami.Including financial debt, Germany has the most bonds maturing between 2009 and 2011, with 40 per cent of the total share. Other countries with big exposures in descending order are Sweden, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK.Together, these countries account for about 85% of the total financial exposure in Europe.
Gold is moving down to our second long pick BEHIND oil...
As there are much fewer players left standing in the financial arena, some commodities will not suffer immense gyrations of the old Hedge funds "follow the madness of crowds" mentality. WE have been accumulating our darlings DNR, SU & PGF. No small caps! Pick some FCX also as this one is way beyond a normal correction
Top 2 players with clean balance sheets and NO debt will be the darlings of the markets as they allow number one , highly leveraged companies to default on exorbitant debt refinancing.A large chunk of the debt due over the next few years is concentrated in 2009, with $800bn maturing in that year alone, fuelled principally by the financial sector. In 2010 and 2011, total maturities taper off at $633bn and $510bn respectively.
Good trading to you all!
What can we expect for 2009?
Geithner will be to Obama what Rumsfeld was to Bush.
Tim, you are not the man of the hour. The idea of spending recklessly and destroying the purchasing power of countless baby boomers coming into their retirement is dumb. Poking the eye of the Chinese central bankers is even dumber than trying to put the moves on your future mother in law in front of the whole family.
BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN: PST TBT ( double short bond ETFs)... courtesy of the Obama administration... I would buy foreign ETF short bonds but they are not marketing on NYSE...
Germany has the most debt maturing in 2009 and the rise in yields ofBunds are already indicators of the next Tsunami.Including financial debt, Germany has the most bonds maturing between 2009 and 2011, with 40 per cent of the total share. Other countries with big exposures in descending order are Sweden, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK.Together, these countries account for about 85% of the total financial exposure in Europe.
Gold is moving down to our second long pick BEHIND oil...
As there are much fewer players left standing in the financial arena, some commodities will not suffer immense gyrations of the old Hedge funds "follow the madness of crowds" mentality. WE have been accumulating our darlings DNR, SU & PGF. No small caps! Pick some FCX also as this one is way beyond a normal correction
Top 2 players with clean balance sheets and NO debt will be the darlings of the markets as they allow number one , highly leveraged companies to default on exorbitant debt refinancing.A large chunk of the debt due over the next few years is concentrated in 2009, with $800bn maturing in that year alone, fuelled principally by the financial sector. In 2010 and 2011, total maturities taper off at $633bn and $510bn respectively.
Good trading to you all!
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